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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Guelph chapter.

1. They make you feel guilty

If you express that something they did or said upset you, and their response is to get defensive and turn the blame on you, you’ve got a fake friend. A true friend understands if you’re too busy to meet up with them or if they hurt your feelings. If you are constantly walking on eggshells around them, it’s probably time to move on.



2. They say one thing, but do another

Real friends stick by their word. If they tell you they’ll be there at 7 pm, they’ll be there at 7 pm. You shouldn’t find yourself constantly questioning what they tell you. Not only is it hurtful to be lied to, but it’s time-consuming to have to figure out whether or not they’re being honest with you. Save yourself the trouble and surround yourself with authentic people.



3. Only they benefit from the friendship

They ask you for help and you jump at the chance to be there for them, but when it comes time to repay the favour, they’re nowhere to be found. It’s okay to sacrifice a little, but if you’re never get anything in return, then it’s not worth the headache.



4. They always bring you down

True friends don’t judge you, belittle you, or make you feel worthless. If the only thing coming out of their mouth is negativity, you should pack up your bags and head out. There’s no reason to hang onto a friendship if it is not uplifting you. You should feel open to expressing your opinions or goals without fear of their pessimism bringing you down.



5. They never hang out with you, or they ditch you for others

If you find they consistently make excuses whenever you suggest going out, they probably don’t care that much about seeing you. What’s worse is when they tell you they’re busy, but then you see them on social media hanging out with someone else. If this is a reoccurring theme, you may want to evaluate this person’s relationship with you.



Bottom line: If you find yourself agreeing with the points above, you’ve probably got a fake friend. While it sometimes feels like you should hang onto a friendship for fear of loneliness or losing someone close, in the long run you’ll save yourself a lot of tears by ending a toxic friendship.

Guelph Contributor Account for writers at the University of Guelph!