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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GSU chapter.

Spring is fastly approaching and the weather is warming up! With the mix of the heat and it being Women’s History Month, it’s only right to know how to keep it fresh as it gets humid outside. Your pH balance is an important number and if it’s healthy, it should stay between a 3.8 and 4.5. Here’s some Do’s and Don’ts of keeping a happy and healthy vagina. 




1. Start taking a Probiotic vitamin, that contains ‘Lactobacillus Acidophilus’. It’s a healthy germ to keep your immune system healthy, but also your pH balance in tact.


2. Another great way to keep your pH balance in tact is by making sure you include yogurts, cranberry juice, veggies and smoothies in opposition to sugary foods. You can also take a teaspoon of Apple Cider vinegar daily since it’s great for balancing your alkaline pH level. (It has a ton of other benefits for your body as well).


3. Wear cotton underwear, because it makes sure that your vagina can breathe.. which is even more curcial when it’s hot. Tight clothing or different materials can cause heat down there and moisture breeds infection so make sure you’re wearing clothes that allow you to stay dry.


4. All you need to keep clean.. is water!



That’s right, you only need water, I promise! The vagina is self-cleaning and doesn’t need fancy products to make it smell like a flower. While it shouldn’t smell foul, your vagina is not meant to smell like cupcakes and roses. If you must use soap, only use a mild one with the no scents or extra products in it and only use it on the vulva. Be sure to drink water as well, only eating fruits won’t keep the smell pleasant. Water is key.



5. Use protection when you have sex. Besides the risk of STD/HIV, you also could cause infection due to the swapping of bacteria. If you have multiple partners this is more reason to use a condom, because you are actually at risk of an STD such as chlamydia from sharing multiple germs between partners. Be sure to not use flavored condoms for vaginal sex, and to always change condoms for different sex acts. 


6. See your Gynecologist regularly. A once a month checkup can be beneficial to you because they can spot discharge before you do. Having a good relationship with your gynecologist is great ovetrall, but can really help avoid infection.


7. Lastly, keep feminine wipes in your purse to use when you need to freshen up while you’re out and about. Choose one that doesn’t contain fragrances or additives that could irritate you.


… Now for the MAJOR Don’ts





1. Do Not DOUCHE. This practice is almost prehistoric at this point because it’s a known fact that this is horrible for your vagina’s health. Your vagina is naturally cleaning itself and douching throws off your pH balance.


2. Avoid fragrance-filled soaps, and “feminine care” products such as Summer’s Eve. Chances are you’ll be really uncomfortable and trading that ‘summer fresh’ odor for a very unpleasant one if you continue use of scent-filled products. 


3. Don’t lay around in wet swimsuits or sweaty clothing after a workout. The moisture can lead to the production of harmful bacterias.



4. Don’t go to bed after sex without peeing and rinsing your vulva with water. When you pee right after sex you prevent the spread of fecal matter to the bladder, therefore preventing a urinary tract infection (UTI) from occuring. Rinsing your vagina with water after sex, is self-explanatory. 


In summary, keep it fresh by avoiding frangrances, and having a balanced diet, taking vitamins, wearing cotton underwear and the key to V-happiness, water! Happy spring and women’s history month!






Hey there! I'm Krystal, the former 2015-2017 President of Her Campus GSU, and an alumna of Georgia State University. You can now catch me on krystalcaliyah.com. Cheers!