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When Manifestation Meets Effort

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GSU chapter.

I love quick math. You know, the kind you don’t necessarily need a calculator for but you utilize one anyways just to be sure.

If you like quick math as well, here is a universal equation: Manifestation + Effort = Reality.

Essentially, what you manifest will come into fruition with the proper work ethic. 

woman in a gray sweater taking notes on white paper
Anna Earl on Unsplash

With the right focus, manifestation is a simple process. I recommend pinpointing all of your energy onto your desired outcome. It’s great to release this positive energy, visualize, and then let go. Obsessing will only cause negative energy to intertwine with your positive vibes. You have to put faith into the universe that what you seek will come to you at the right time. Along with letting go, one must do all that they can to have their dream turn into a reality. If you are able to apply to an internship, workout, eat healthier, etc. then do it. Do anything in your power so that you can sleep well at night knowing you gave it your all. 

summer girl hawaii yoga hiking exercise view high res version
Tessa Pesicka / Her Campus

When manifesting, the best time to manifest is when you first wake up and right when you are about to go to sleep. This way it becomes a priority in your daily routine. Scripting daily is also a way to prioritize the future you long for. Scripting is when one journals what they want to manifest as if it’s already received. It will aid you in prioritizing your desires. 

Don’t worry, manifesting something is fairly easy. You manifest everyday and probably don’t even realize you are doing it. So be cautious of what you surround yourself with and speak positivity into existence. Happy manifesting!

Regina Price is a senior at Georgia State University majoring in neuroscience with a pre-medical concentration. She is the current President of STARS, a mental health organization on campus that works to eliminate the stigma! Regina aspires to be a doctor and leave a positive impact on the world with the aid of science. In her spare time, she loves to give back to the community, spend time with loved ones, and enjoy various forms of art.
The GSU chapter of Her Campus