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Starting the Semester with Confidence is a Major Key

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GSU chapter.
We’ve made it to the second semester and like every semester, it could make or break your college career. In honor of DJ Khaled, our generation’s motivational speaker, it’s only right we pinpoint a major key in having a successful semester. That key is confidence.
Studies have proven that athletes with high self-confidence perform better than their competitors. This shows how much power our thoughts and our perceptions of ourselves have on what we attempt.
In the business world, high paid executives are always high in confidence. It’s what pushes them to take on big projects, pitch new ideas and make tough decisions because they’re confident in their judgment. These are key qualities for not only the business world, but also on campus.
“They” don’t want you to know that we have the power to do whatever we set our minds to do. “They” don’t want you to set high goals, and work tirelessly until it’s achieved. Why? Because “they” don’t want you to win. And “they” know you can do it, it’s scientifically proven and that scares them.
Life is about setting goals and achieving them. Not only will confidence make accomplishing goals one-step easier, it will also push you to create higher goals for yourself. Knowing in your heart you have the ability to pass any class, will make creating goals to ensure your passing easier. You’ll feel purpose when visiting the Math Lab, or scheduling appointments in the Writing Studio.  Having faith that you are capable and knowing nothing can stand in your way, increases your odds in completing goals. Pushing you to “win another one”.


Stepping out of your comfort zone is easier when having confidence. Starting this semester remember college is all about trying new things. Whether it’s joining the equestrian club or kissing a girl, it’s all about the experience. A key chapter on the “journey to success”. Stepping out to gain these experiences require confidence and building up the courage to do whatever your heart desires. This alone can make college more memorable. Lets face it, no one’s spending all this money for only a degree, we want that college experience. It’s all about keeping your vibes good, and “they” don’t want you to have good vibes.
The last key for you is to not let them ruin your self-confidence. There are a lot of people out there, who don’t want to see you happy. “They” don’t want to see you succeed. So you know what you have to do?  Be happy and succeed. Having self-confidence is a major key to both these paths. Life is going to knock you down, it’s going to have you re-considering yourself, making you feel like you aren’t on the right path sometimes. “They” will make you feel like it’s impossible to stay confident and that’s when you buck up and remember that your life is in your hands.
Whatever goal you set, you can achieve. Everything you need to succeed resides inside of you. Have a fantastic semester and “Bless Up”.
HI! My name is Asha Williams, I'm 19 studying Journalism at Georgia State University as a sophomore . Since elementary school I have been a writer. I've always claimed it as my hobby, and it's been my peace and sanctuary. I feel blessed to now be studying my passion in school, and also being able pursue it through HerCampus. Life is beautiful, and full of opportunity. I hope reading my articles brings a little of my optimism into your life!
Hey there! I'm Krystal, the former 2015-2017 President of Her Campus GSU, and an alumna of Georgia State University. You can now catch me on krystalcaliyah.com. Cheers!