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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GSU chapter.

It’s finally #Spooky Season!! This is the time of year when the weather starts to cool down, and horror enthusiasts have the time of their lives! When this time of year rolls around, back-to-back holidays result in back-to-back expenses. So, in order to make your spending less scary this Halloween, here are some tricks that will definitely treat your wallet.


Everyone looks forward to transformations during the Halloween season. Whether you go all out with makeup, hair, and accessories, or you take the simple route and just wear an outfit, it’s all in the fun of dressing up. Of course, who or what you want to be will determine how much money you are likely to spend. If you don’t want to drop $50 on a costume, thrift it. If you want to stand out and save money, create your own version of what/whoever you’re portraying. 

In regards to thrifting, you are more likely to find bits and pieces of your costume than the entire look all at once. Start your shopping earlier in the year. That way, you won’t be frazzled when it’s time for Halloween.


Source: giphy.com

Food & Candy

Looking to indulge in sweets this year or expecting trick-or-treaters at your door? Then make sure you compare prices and consider substitutes before buying any candy. Your local dollar store could have the same bag of chocolates that the grocery store has for possibly a buck or so less. Look out for coupons and discounts as well. You don’t want to overlook a sweet deal.

Decorative foods are always a plus when hosting parties or events. If you are planning to cut down on catering costs, websites such as allrecipes.com or tasteofhome.com offer an array of desserts, appetizers, and entreés all centered around Halloween. 


Source: unsplash.com


People tend to be more invested in holiday decorations during the latter part of the year. They decorate their homes inside and out and even public spaces. But before the turkey gets stuffed and the tree gets decorated, ghosts, pumpkins, and skeletons need to be put on display! 

If you want to save some money and still flex your spooky side then why not get crafty and make some décor of your own? There are many resources online that can show you what to make, how to make it, and how much it costs. Find projects like these that cater to your taste and budget.


Source: giphy.com

With more holidays to come after October 31st, Spooky Season can only last but so long. So throw on that bed sheet, and make the most of it without spending all of your pocket change. Happy Halloween! 


Sophomore, Georgia State University. Major: Studio Art
The GSU chapter of Her Campus