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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GSU chapter.


It’s that time of year again! After months of traveling, enjoying music concerts and making extra cash with a summer job, college is back in session and your summer vacation is officially over.  As you start the fall semester, you may endure feelings of excitement from campus life and seeing your friends as well as anxiety and pressures of classes and professors. This back to school guide will give you insight on how to have a successful semester!


Join Organizations and Get Involved

The moment you step back on campus you’ll be overwhelmed with welcome parties, student activities, and of course student organizations! This is a great time to meet new peers and find extracurricular activities that can benefit your future! By joining a student organization that pertains to your passions, you’re allowing yourself to make new connections and creating a positive outlet! The more involved you become, the more invested you’ll be in the university. This will increase your chances of enrolling the next semester!


Stay Organized and Manage Time

One of the most important things to consider is time management! How you manage your time will ultimately factor how much you accomplish during the semester. Keeping a planner will be a great way to keep track of tasks, schedules, deadlines, and staying organized. The most important part of keeping a planner is following through, so it’s important to write down your class/work schedules, assignments, meals, exercising, even what time you sleep. You can purchase a daily planning book, or download one of many apps (Sunrise Calendar, WAVE, UpTO) to your smartphone.


Make Health a Habit

Staying healthy during the semester is also a key factor in your performance. For many students pulling all-nighters, cramming for exams, and fueling the body with coffee and energy drinks may be the norm. The truth is you’re actually harming the body. According to the Nation Sleep Foundation, young adults (Ages 18-25) need a recommended 7-9 hours of sleep each night. By creating a sleep schedule, it will become easier to get your full nights rest! Along with sleep, eating healthy and exercising are a major “To Do” during the semester. Having a balanced diet and exercising regularly will decrease stress, depression, and fatigue. In fact it will give you more energy, and prevent weight gain! According to LivingStrong.Com, having a balanced diet and exercising will actually put you in a good mood! With all the stress of balancing school, work, and a social life it feels great knowing that something as simple as eating well and staying in shape will help ease some of the pressure!


Make It Memorable

These are the best years of your life, so make it count! Support your school and go to the athletic games. Explore the city that your school is located and find local treasures, restaurants, and attractions. Get involved with the surrounding community and volunteer. If your university doesn’t have a club or organization you want, create one! College isn’t only about the course work, it’s about finding yourself. As you go back to school this semester, tell yourself you’re going to make the most of this experience!


Destiny Miles is a Sociology Major at Georgia State University. Born in Buffalo, New York and raised in Atlanta, Georgia, she has the heart of a Yankee mixed with the charm of a Southern Belle. In her free time she enjoys writing, traveling, service projects, and anything that requires eating delicious food! To keep up with Destiny, feel free to follow her on Instagram @TheDestinyDiaries or Twitter @TweetsByDestiny!
The GSU chapter of Her Campus