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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GSU chapter.

Love is warm. Love is elusive. Love is unrelenting. Love is fulfillment of the sweetest kind. The year is 2018, and with this new time comes renewed hope for romance, but where is it? All the women in the world ask themselves this question at some point. If you are lonely, heartbroken, or crave romance, this article is for you.

            Anyone can find a lover. Sharing one moment with someone is easier than sharing a lifetime, something deeper, more caring, and more intimate. Saying, “I want love”, is not enough, and actively searching for it is infuriating. So, what should women do? How does one find love? I have spent years trying to answer this question, since I was seventeen and knew I wanted someone, but not how that would work. Ladies, sometimes the idea of something, the fantasy, is easier to fall for than the reality. In my time since then, I have discovered a universal truth about love. Before you can let someone into your life, you must live and love you first. Wanting something badly does not make you ready for it. Love is birthed from itself, so attracting someone begins with self-devotion. Any outward display of this is a consequence of what is already present mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

            Here is something else you should know-what you need is not far away. I will be the first to admit I am not interested in being single right now, but I need to be. I am educated, intelligent, ambitious, talented-I can go on forever, but am I ready for love? Girls, I really want to say yes, but no, and not because I don’t harbor a profound respect and love for myself. My life right now is all about me and no one else. The joy that engulfs me from that alone, also brings me great pride and peace. As a woman, I am ever evolving into what it means to be a woman, and the woman I will become. A man jus does not fit into my present situation, and that means more time for me. It means I can work on myself, and it means I can focus on my needs and desires.

            I know someone is reading this and thinking, but I want love now. Well, the good news is love will find you inevitably, and likely when you least expect it. You will find the one who feels crafted and perfectly tailored to you. The one who fills you up and leaves you gasping for another taste, only to find nothing can ever be enough. The right person for you will come, but they will only arrive when you are ready to receive them-when you are in a place of peace, prosperity, growth, and self-love. Until then, the bad new is you are going to have to be patient.

**All images courtesy of freeimages and pexels.com**

The GSU chapter of Her Campus