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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GSU chapter.


Name: Adonis Hill  

Classification: Senior

Major: Marketing

Hometown: Stone Mountain/Lithonia  

Instagram: @adonisthrax




Her Campus: What organizations are you involved in on campus?

Adonis Hill: I’m the President of Sneaker Community, and I’m also an advisory board member of 1913 Society.


HC: What made you get involved on campus?

AH: Basically, I wanted to leave a legacy at Georgia State.


HC: What’s your favorite place on campus?

AH: My favorite place is actually Centennial Hall.


HC: What advice would you give to freshmen?

AH: My advice would be to speak to people, learn as much as you can, and don’t be scared to try new things. I’d also say to take time to figure out who are because we’re still very young and we think we’re older than what we are. College is all about having experiences and if you think you know everything it limits what you can gain from the experiences. I’d also tell freshman to practice balancing, not in a cliché way. I would encourage a healthy balance of school, work, extra-curricular and a social life. Lastly, I’d say look into how you could leave a footprint, because you can easily get your degree and leave but you could make more of it.



HC: What do you want to do with your major when you graduate?

AH: So I want to continually practice branding and building brands, and also consulting (new and existing brands). I think that my major teaches me a more corporate and institutionalize version of marketing that’s very important to grasp and put my own spin on it. Our generation is really what’s next to come up, and it’s our time now to get ready to fill the shoes of who’s there now.


HC: What do you like to do in your spare time?

AH: I like to attend a lot of different kinds of events. I like to actively network and see what people are doing and see how we can collaborate and uplift culture. I also love listening to a lot of different types of music because you connect with different types of people. Lastly, I love to shop.


HC: What are the most important things to you?

AH: They would be the concept of success, being open minded, and growth. I think everyday ends to be about growing. Ultimately if the day has gone by and you have not progressed, then I’d say you were unsuccessful that day.


HC: Who’s your favorite artist?

AH: Big Sean, because I’ve always appreciated that his work ethic is solid, and I don’t feel he’s pretending to be anyone but himself. His content is appreciated by a lot of people but I still feel he’s an underdog. He’s also still pretty humble for being signed with Good Music which is Kanye’s label.



HC: What’s your ultimate goal in life?

AH: My ultimate goal is to be successful. I still explore what exactly that means to me, it’s hard to measure. Along with that, I want to impact the world as much as I can. I love to give back especially in untraditional ways.


HC: Your biggest pet peeve?

AH: Smacking when people eat food or gum. Also, when people don’t push themselves and remain complacent. I hate wasted potential because a lot of people don’t see that in themselves. 


HC: From your perspective, what’s the key to success?

AH: I believe the key to success is to serve a formula of experiencing, evaluating, learning and applying. 


HC: What’s the quote you live by?

AH: “If you woke up today with only the blessings you thanked God for yesterday, what would you really have”, and essentially it means God does a lot for every person each and everyday and a lot of times we only look at what he’s done for us lately or right now. Really, God sends us forward and sends us more blessings and opportunities but we forget what he’s done to get us to where we are. It’s important to not take it for granted, and be appreciative of that and the people in our lives, who also assist in pushing us forward in life. Think about where you were and where you are now. 



Hey there! I'm Krystal, the former 2015-2017 President of Her Campus GSU, and an alumna of Georgia State University. You can now catch me on krystalcaliyah.com. Cheers!
Ashley Drayton is an alumna of Georgia State University, with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Journalism. Since being involved with Her Campus, she was co-founder and president of the GSU chapter, former chapter advisor of 5-8 college chapters, and wrote as a national contributing writer. Her dream job/career is to become a top writer, editor, blogger.