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5 GIFS That Perfectly Describe Final Exam Season

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GSU chapter.

Final exam season is quickly (matter of fact, a little too quickly) approaching and college students all over are freaking the heck out. How did the semester go by so fast, Panthers? We honestly have no idea.

Below, we’re capturing how we feel about our upcoming finals with a few of the funniest GIFs. Take a look and be prepared to laugh out loud!

Looking at the calendar and seeing how close Winter break isSource: GIPHY​

But then realizing that also means it’s time to study your tush off, because you haven’t gone to that 8am lecture in a HOT minute.

Source: GIPHY

So of course you “ground” yourself and absolutely refuse to step out of the study room: reading every word in that textbook 3.14159265359 times, and then some more. Drinking tons of coffee and slowly going crazy.

Source: GIPHY

Then you remember the unwavering truth that your grades don’t define you, and you’re absolutely capable of doing anything you set your mind to. Studying is great, but stressing is not. Uh-uh. Nooo ma’am. So you strut into that lecture hall and smash those exams, because that’s who you are.

Source: GIPHY

You earned it! You can now treat yourself because you’ve made it through yet another week of final exams. Until we meet again…next semester. 

Source: GIPHY

And now that you’re positive you’re gonna ace those tests, you break out into your happy dance. Go get that holiday ham, girl.




Destiny Masha is a Public Health major at Georgia State University based in Atlanta. She hopes to incorporate her love of travel, people, fashion, and food into articles anyone and everyone will enjoy and learn from! Her hobbies include long car rides, binge-watching any Netflix series, and hanging with her gal pals! She’s stoked about life and can’t wait to take on the opportunities it may bring. Follow her on Instagram! @destinymasha
The GSU chapter of Her Campus