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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Griffith Gold Coast chapter.


Did you know it takes only three to five seconds for someone to form a first impression? Most studies show that first impressions are shaped by what can be seen or heard in those initial few seconds. If you want to get that job you’ve been dreaming of, you need the perfect first impression. You’re headed to your dream job, and you’re trying to master the best way to grab your future potential employers attention. The only way for you to nail your first impression and really get their attention is with an outstanding resume. Statistics show that the average employer spends only a few seconds looking at a resume, so it is imperative that your resume is perfect. In this day and age, the job market is exceptionally competitive. In order for you to land your dream job, it’s important that your resume contains the right information so that you stand out amongst the few dozen other resumes your potential employer will be looking at. Keep in mind that you only have a few seconds of their attention, so it’s important that your resume contains proper information. This is your chance to prove that your all-night cram sessions over the past 4 years have been worth it.  As they say, “C’s get degrees,” but it’s what you do after the degree that will get you your dream job. Here are a few tips on making a perfect resume.

  1. Use effective titles. Since employers typically glance at a resume for only a few seconds, your title needs to grab their attention. Try to be as descriptive as possible, giving the employer a good idea about the nature of your past work experience and the potential you have as an employee.
  2. Put the most important information first. If you don’t grab your employers’ attention on the first page, there’s a fairly good chance they’ll never make it to the second page. Think of all the reasons why someone should or would want to hire you, and place those reasons at the top of your resume as your personal profile.
  3. Show off your skills. Explain what makes you special and worthy of the position. You need to sell yourself to your prospective employers, so don’t just list your experience and education. Make it interesting and get your employer to want to find out more. We all know you’re the perfect candidate, so show your potential employer the skills you’ve acquired and why you should be hired!
  4. Customize your resume for each employer. A common mistake that people make is making a standard resume and sending it out to all employers. If you want to grab their attention, you need to give them what they want. It’s important to tailor your resume to each employer.
  5. Have someone review your resume. Even if you think you’ve done everything right, have someone look over it to check for any grammatical errors. The last you thing you want is to turn in a resume with silly mistakes. This small piece of paper that we agonize over is proof that you are qualified, that you care about the job, and that you understand the working world, so make sure it’s perfect!


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Taylor Miller

Griffith Gold Coast