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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Gonzaga chapter.

It is crazy to think that we only have a few weeks left before summer vacation is here! Although this is something that brings joy to each and every one of us, this is also one of the most stressful times of the year. With finals approaching and all the papers and homework finishing up, it is hard to think about enjoying yourself in the summer time! I totally get it and you are not alone! 



Below are just a few of the many ways you can prepare your body and mind for the upcoming summer season!

1. Begin to unwind once finals are over! Unwinding and taking a step back from all the stress is one of the best feelings ever. The days in the summer time are a lot happier and lazier but being lazy is one of the best parts of summer!

2. Keep up the Exercise! Even though summer is a time to be last, it is important to keep up with a little bit of exercise each day. Whether it is a simple walk around the block, a run around the track, or going to the gym, it is important to stay healthy because it’s summer and you want a nice summer body…right? 



3. Try something new! Going into summer with something new about yourself can give you a nice boost of confidence. Whether it is new hair, new nails or setting new goals, it is fun to have a new start with something!

4. Live in the present! Take time for yourself even in the summer when you want to be with friends all the time. It is important to spend time with yourself and listen to your own thoughts and beliefs. 



5. Make changes! Tell yourself what you liked about your year and what you didn’t and then find ways to make your life better and more interesting. 

6. Eat Healthy! It is crucial to keep eating healthy because it is good to know what you are putting in your body! A little ice cream or other summer treats never hurt anyone though.



7. Explore new places! Make a summer bucket list so you can make a point to continue exploring and finding new favorite places.

8. Spring Cleaning! Cleaning out your closet or even just bedroom is something that feels really good to do especially going into summer. It is important to keep the areas you spend the most time at clean because otherwise they will cause stress! And stress is the LAST thing anyone wants during the summer.



9. Stay Hydrated and sleep! Staying hydrated when the weather gets warm is very important because the heat can drain you mentally and physically. Without enough water, it is easy to get dehydrated and not feel very well.

10. Stay Connected with people! Yes of course, hangout with your friends and family, but don’t forget to make effort to meet up with past friends or acquaintances. It shows that you care and are willing to make efforts to keep in touch and stay connected!



Summer is so close and although school feels tough now, we will get through it soon enough! Stay focused in classes and make the most of the rest of the year. Summer will be here in the blink of an eye!