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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Gonzaga chapter.

Finals week can be extremely stressful for several students (as you all are experiencing right now). Along with attempting to study for finals, professors have assigned last minute tests, projects and essays that all seem to have the same due date: the last day of school. This long week is the stressful climax at the end of a semester (and year) of an overwhelmingly busy schedule for most of us. Because life is so stressful, it is important to have a strong support system and to surround yourself with positive energy.

One way you can do this is to schedule a quick, fun outing with friends. It can distract you from studies during the school year or be a reprieve from the summer job you’ve been working 9-to-5. Whether that be going outside to enjoy the sunshine, enjoying a cup of frozen yogurt, or even Facetiming a long distance friend or family member, there are many ways to take a short break from the stressors life seems to never lack.

Although it is important to take time for yourself, make sure that you are doing so in a healthy way and preventing break time from turning into procrastination. A few ways to avoid letting your free time extend past is limit is to set an alarm on your phone and hold yourself and/or your friends accountable – sticking to a schedule is the key to a booked schedule!

I personally love to take breaks by going for a quick run. Whether the run be in the gym on a track or treadmill, or out on a trail in the sunshine, it allows me to take a short, therapeutic (and healthy) break. Even though it may not be a fulfilling workout, it limits the amount of time I am away from working or studying and is a way to get exercise in as part of my busy routine.

Hope you all had a great semester & are ready for a great summer, wherever you go!