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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Gonzaga chapter.

Going through finals week on your own is one thing, but having to listen to everyone around you complain and stress about their schedule is a whole other story. Whether it is your own roommate, suitemates, housemates, or a friend you don’t live with, everybody is going to have to add someone else’s anxiety on top of their own.

Here are a few ways that you can help a friend who is stressed for finals…

1. Make them a Finals Care Package to show them you care! You could include a mug for the coffee they will be needing, candy for a sweet “pick me up,” maybe a pack of pens or pencils, a Starbucks or another coffee gift card, or anything else that would be helpful for them.


2. Have a sit down talk with them about how they are going to be OKAY. Everybody needs reassurance that they are going to make it through the toughest week of the semester. Letting them know that in only a few short days they will be free to go home for break is one of the best stress relievers.


3. Take them out to lunch or coffee for a study break! Any friend would be extremely grateful for a quick study break because…of course it’s for food! Whether it is on campus or off campus, (depending on how much time you both have), they will surely be thankful that you thought of helping them in that way.


When talking to a few girls about how they personally help someone in need of help during the week of finals, I got varied responses. I asked sophomore Kayla Kim and she said, “I usually write them notes or buy them coffee or tea to help them get through finals.” I also talked to sophomore Eden Glesener and she said that she always telling her friends that they are fine if they say no to hanging out. She said specifically, “I want them to know that they don’t have to feel pressured to take a break if they don’t want to!”


Overall, finals are a pain in the butt, but with a little help from a friend and keeping calm through the storm, they are completely doable! Keep reminding yourself that breaks are a necessity because your brain and body need a little time away from the books or the computer in order to stay concentrated.


Good luck, study hard, keep your head up high, and take some time for a little fun each day to get you through it all!!