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Healthy Snacks for Finals Week

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Gonzaga chapter.

Finals are upon us, seven whole days dedicated to crying and wondering where it all went wrong. But hey, at least you get to go home when it’s over. It’s time to break out the sweatpants and show the world how sexy double-fisting a latte and Red Bull can be.

However, as the stress piles up, it’s easy to lose track of healthy eating by resorting to too many late night pizza and ice cream binges.

Here are healthy alternatives to snacking so you can stay alert, nourished and feeling good while studying!

1. Air-Popped Popcorn

A great alternative to chips. Instead of butter, try drizzling your popcorn with extra-virgin olive oil and then sprinkling a bit of salt on top!

2. Almonds

They are convenient, easy to eat and full of heart-healthy fats and proteins. 


3. Veggies

Carrots, bell peppers, celery, cucumbers! Fresh veggies are a great way to get in your daily dose of nutrients. They’re also crunchy, delicious substitutes for Cheetos. Dip the vegetables in hummus, wrap them around low-fat meats or stuff them in pita bread!


4. Instant Oatmeal

Just add water or milk, microwave it for a couple of minutes, and you’ve got yourself a hearty snack that will keep you full for a long time.

5. Fruit Salad

Mix together your favorite seasonal fruits. This way, you can satisfy your sweet tooth without inhaling candy bars.

6. String Cheese

A fun way to distract yourself from your studies during a quick snack break.

7. Granola Bars

Easy and convenient to eat.

8. Frozen Grapes

If the fruit salad is not working for you, try buying grapes and freezing them overnight. You’ll wake up with one of the most refreshing alternatives to sugary popsicles or ice cream.


Have fun studying and remember that Christmas is less than a month away!​