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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Gonzaga chapter.

Happy Women’s History Month, ladies! This past year, there have been incredible examples of feminist movements, from health care to #MeToo. These movements have worked to empower women worldwide, but we do still live in a patriarchal society, which often means the systems in place are meant to make us as women feel inferior. This WHM, take some time to reflect on times when you feel empowered, and take actions that will further that incredible feeling! Here are three major mindsets to start feeling empowered!

1. Know Your Self Worth

I strongly believe this is the most important aspect of promoting self and female empowerment. Take some time out of your day to reflect on the type of person you have become within the past year, month, or even week. I am confident you can pick out at least three events which have helped define who you are. Whether it be participating in a peaceful protest, enduring the heartbreak of a break up, or getting an A on your last exam, there are several things that contribute to your growth as a person. Knowing who you are and where you come from is the best way to feel confident in yourself and your plans for the future – no one can take that away from you.

2. Plan ahead

Speaking of plans for the future, it’s always smart to have an idea of where you want to go in life. Large aspirations such as furthering your education through an undergrad or graduate degree, or joining the Peace Corps, or something more time sensitive like applying for internships and jobs before graduation are just a few pathways to take on the road of life. There are various ways to make a change in the world, but in order to empower others you must first begin with focusing on yourself.

3. Practice Loving Yourself and Others

Loving yourself allows you to love others fully and wholly. It is important to be a person of compassion and have a nurturing nature, however, it’s also of great significance that you take care of yourself as well. Last week several of our team members posted on our Instagram, @hercampusgonzaga, on ways to take care of yourself and promote self-love. Check it out for even more ideas on how to love yourself!  Be sure to set aside time for yourself, whatever that looks like for you. It could be purchasing a cup of coffee, implementing yoga into your daily routine, or taking time to journal about your day.

You are an amazing person with the potential and capability to initiate the change this world needs. The world is yours, go conquer it!

“I’m tough, I’m ambitious, and I know exactly what I want. If that makes me a b*tch, okay.”

– Madonna