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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Gettysburg chapter.

It can be really intimidating to talk to a professor one-on-one, especially for the first time. Here’s 4 reasons you should be doing it!

A Critical Eye on Your Work

Most professors are willing to look at your work and tell you exactly what you need to fix or add to your paper or project. I love that I can go to office hours with my political science professor when I’m stumped on where to turn with my research, and leave their office with four journal articles, a book, and clearer guidance than what you might find in the syllabus. Keep in mind that they’re the ones that are going to be giving you a grade!

Grade Boost

Professors aren’t asking for perfection–they’re asking for your best effort! Many are willing to give you points or a better grade if they see that you’re engaged and trying to do your best. If you’ve been going to office hours, showing engagement, and asking questions, they know that you have been working hard. Sometimes, that says more than a C on an exam.

Job Opportunities and Advice

I go to professors about once a month with some sort of existential crisis about having no clue what to do after graduation. They always help me feel reassured about job opportunities and have a plethora of examples of what you can do after your four years at Gettysburg.

Build your network!Professors like to stay in touch with graduates and give their contact information to curious students. Staying in touch benefits you, too: having connections with professors is also key to getting recommendations if you are applying for jobs, internships, programs on campus, or graduate programs, so establishing a rapport and mentor early on can be key!

They’re Nice! 

I adore my professors at Gettysburg. They motivate me both academically and personally, and I always feel supported.

During the pandemic, it’s always nice to have a little extra human interaction, and I’m sure your professors would love some too. Even if I’m not going to office hours with specific questions or a reason, they are genuinely kind people and are always willing to just talk about life and share a coffee.

You can do it! I can assure you that your professor wants to connect with you too!

Grace Gallagher

Gettysburg '22

Grace is a senior double-majoring in History and Political Science with a minor in Middle East and Islamic Studies at Gettysburg College. She is involved in the Gettysburg College Historical Society, Alpha Phi Omega, and is the senior editor for the Gettysburg chapter of HerCampus. She loves coffee and dogs more than anything.