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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Gettysburg chapter.

Serena Williams’ Nike Ad is important because a passionate black woman is forever perceived by the media as an angry black woman.

Serena Williams’ Nike Ad is important because I told a man what he had no right to say to me about my assault and he told me to stop acting so emotional.

Serena Williams’ Nike Ad is important because, in political discussions, I raise my voice and it is being dramatic but any man doing so is simply emboldened.  

Serena Williams’ Nike Ad is important because my mother had a college student write in an academic paper that we can’t trust women in office because when they’re on their periods, they ‘might do something crazy’.

Serena Williams’ Nike Ad is important because Brent Kavanaugh being abrasive was him defending himself but any woman defending herself like that is irrational and not thinking straight. 

Serena Williams’ Nike Ad is important because women are told that wanting change in such an impassioned way is crazy.

Serena Williams’ Nike Ad is important because crazy is a blow to women everywhere who are passionate, are working hard.

Serena Williams’ Nike Ad is important because I’ve been called crazy for being passionate. For standing up for myself. And every woman out there has. Every woman, especially those who strive to make a difference. Especially black women or Latina women or LGBTQ+ women. Women who are called crazy for trying to find their voice and use it.

Serena Williams’ Nike Ad is important because women truly do need to know to show their naysayers what ‘crazy’ can do. And they needed someone as openly strong and passionate as Serena Williams to tell them that.