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We Love Sarah Van De Weert

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Gettysburg chapter.



Major/Minor: Psychology/Writing

Year: Senior

Hometown: Uniontown, OH (about an hour south of Cleveland!)

Clubs: Active Minds, APO, Honor Commission, and Psi Chi

Favorite animal: Rabbits!

If you were a dog, what breed would you be and why?

I would be a cat because I really like sleeping, and I’m an introvert, so I tend to hide around people instead of being excited to see them like dogs.

What is your favorite thing about Gburg?

Definitely the faculty and staff. I’ve had incredible professors who have challenged me both in and out of the classroom and helped me to grow so much over the last three and a half years.

How will you change the world?

By working to end mental health stigma and increase awareness of mental health issues, as well as access and coverage of effect evidence-based treatments because so many people do not get treatment, whether it’s because of stigma-induced shame, lack of available treatment, inadequate insurance coverage, or something else. I also hope to one day work as a clinical psychologist treating eating disorders and conducting research about them so we can better understand them and develop better treatments.

With which academic building do you most identify?

Is the Library an academic building? If so, I choose that one because I live there. Otherwise, McCreary because I also live there.

What is your best college memory?

Oh gosh, I have no idea. Probably all of the random shenanigans with friends over the years.


English major with a writing concentration, Civil War era studies/Middle East and Islamic studies minor. I'm all about goats and feminism.