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Put on Your Yarmulke, Here Comes Annika

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Gettysburg chapter.

Name: Annika Sheinbach Jensen

Year: Junior

Hometown: Columbia, MD

Major/Minor: English w/ a writing concentration, MEIS/CWES double minor

Activities: Equestrian team, Civil War Institute, goats, spilling drinks at servo because no trays

Relationship Status: My boyfriend tags me in memes, so you could say things are going well.

Hogwarts House: Gryffindor

Sign: Caution: Deer



Favorite Cupcake flavor: Vanilla, then red velvet. Then all of them because cupcakes are my favorite food.

Favorite Book: The Silmarillion. Also Frankenstein. Also Catch-22.

Favorite Movie: Disney’s Robin Hood with the foxes.

Favorite Sports Team: The Washington Capitals.

Favorite Animal: The goat.

Favorite Season: Autumn


If you could go anywhere where would you go and why? My house because my mom is a good cook and I am hungry. Then Palestine because I want to establish creative writing programs for kids in impoverished and oppressed areas.

If you could have a meal with anyone from history or present day, who would you eat with and why? J.R.R. Tolkien because he’s my favorite person and also he smoked cigars a lot which is great, so we could smoke cigars together.

If you were a dog breed, what breed would you be and why? A great Dane-golden retriever mix. Great Dane because I am a Dane and also I have a lot of anxiety. Golden because I am blonde and enthusiastic and good with children.

English major with a writing concentration, Civil War era studies/Middle East and Islamic studies minor. I'm all about goats and feminism.