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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Gettysburg chapter.

   Quarantine helped many people to find new hobbies and passions; I mean, what else would you do with all the time in the world. For me, I seemed to be glued to my phone more than I ever was, watching Youtube, Tik Tok, Netflix, and all other streaming services. I struggled to create good habits for myself. My self-care was limited to a nice home-cooked meal, sticking to my skincare routine, and getting my ten hours of rest. But school quickly crept back up, and I felt unaccomplished. I had wasted all the time I was given, and I wished for a do-over. 

    So I picked up the book I had been trying to read for the past couple of months. I was definitely not a reader before; it took me a minimum of three months to finish books. I found myself easily distracted, and no story was ever that engaging to me. But to my surprise, I loved it, and I continued to pick up book after book until my Storygraph reading goal of ten (gotta start small) was finished, and I was adding to it. Now I find myself picking up a book every night. Immersing myself in new worlds and wonders has become the perfect escapism after being stuck inside all day. It has been great to see my screen time lower. I have found it has become easier to fall asleep, and I have had more vivid dreams. 

    Booktok/Booktube has also become a huge resource for me to find new recommendations. Though most booktokers will push YA fantasy novels your way, thanks to the algorithm I have found some more tailored recommendations. I personally love watching cari can read, Jack Edwards, and Ciara Foster to name a few. 

    If you are interested in dipping your toes in reading, too, here are some of my recommendations. I would recommend checking out the app Libby, which offers you free ebooks with your library card; some college’s libraries allow access, so make sure to check. 

    Firstly I would like to shout out the book that got me out of my slump, “The Power” by Naomi Alderman. This book follows different characters after teenage girls unlock immense physical powers that allow them to wield electricity. It addresses power dynamics, sex, and gender. It is a wonderful action-packed, fast-paced read. It does have its fair share of trigger scenes, so make sure to check those out before picking it up. The Power will also be adapted into an Amazon Prime show later this year. Secondly, “I am God” by Giacomo Sartori is a short read of only 224 pages and details a humorous Islamo-Christian God who falls in love with a mortal woman. Lastly, if there is a childhood series you never read, I think it is fun to unleash your inner child and give them a read. I recently finished the Percy Jackson series, and I really wish ten-year-old me had picked them. 


Maya Bisram

Gettysburg '24

Maya is a first year Gettysburg students. She is an intern at Gettysburg Connection, a local news site. She is an Art Editor for the college's art magazine, "Mercury". She enjoys readings, design, and film.