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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Gettysburg chapter.

Happy New Year! It’s time for those New Year’s resolutions. Let me hear em! But wait a sec…How come it’s a new year and I’m still the same old Lureann? I still don’t eat healthily nor do I exercise often. I’m still a mess.  One thing I realized so far is that ‘New Year, New Me’ only works if you actually get off your butt and do what you have to do. Life’s so hard, right? Don’t worry, I’m here to help you (and me) the best way I can. Here are 5 ways to accomplish your New Year’s resolutions. 


The first and most important thing you can do to reach any goals that you have is to plan it. Write it in your planner or write it on your phone calendar as a timed reminder. Even stick it in on your wall or bathroom mirror. This way you’ll be constantly aware that you need to get this done. This is a very effective way to keep faithful to your resolutions.

Do it with a friend

Sometimes you really can’t do it alone, and that’s okay. I sometimes tend to talk myself out of doing things, so it will never get done. But whenever I do it will my friends or siblings, I am more excited and motivated to get it down. Last summer, every morning at 5, I accompanied my brother to do a mile run. It was both exhausting and rewarding to carry my body across the finish line. I wouldn’t have been able to do it without my brother at my side. If you feel like you can’t convince yourself, just do it with a friend. 

Push on

It’s so easy to procrastinate or to give up because resolutions can be difficult and you’re not used to putting in all this extra effort. I get it, but if you give up now, you’ll just end up feeling bad about yourself later. So you’ll just have to push on for that end result where you’ll not only feel super proud of yourself but will also be glowing and striving. You got this! Push on! 

A change of plans

If your current plan just isn’t working, that’s okay, just adjust it. No need to push yourself so hard and burn out. Sometimes when we are trying to achieve something we put too much onto ourselves to get it down. This is obviously not a healthy way to stay loyal to your resolutions. Eventually, you’ll be too tired to continue on. So take it slow, and if one approach isn’t working, try another one and if that approach isn’t working either, try another one until you find one that works for you. 

Just do it!

It’s time to drop everything and stop hesitating and do what you have to do! Your New Year’s Resolutions won’t be complete if you keep putting it off and staling. So step 5 is simply go and do it! I believe in you! It’s now up to you to believe in yourself too! 

Happy New Year again! I know it’s late, but my New Year’s Resolution is to write more articles and get it out on time. I can do this! 

Lureann Semple

Gettysburg '22

Lureann Semple is from Guyana, South America and resides in New York City. She's currently a sophomore at Gettysburg, College, with a double major in East Asian Studies with a Chinese track and Globalization Studies. Some of her greatest passion is writing monologues, dancing to hip hop and tradition music and cooking traditional Guyanese meals.