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Christi Wright is Quite a Delight

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Gettysburg chapter.

Name: Christi Wright

Year: First-year with Junior status

Hometown: Chicago

Major/Minor: Declared Computer Science

Activities: Student Senator for Paul Hall, Smart Women Securities, member of ” Team Mosaic,” which is part of the Office of Multicultural Engagement.

Relationship Status: Single

Position at HC: Social media manager and student senate representative.

Favorite Her Campus Collab: Tommy Hillfiger

Sign: Virgo

Favorite Servo Cookie: Chocolate Chip

Favorite Color: Burgundy

Favorite TV Show: The Walking Dead

Favorite TV Show Character: Michonne

Favorite Music: R&B/Hip Hop

Favorite Song: J Cole – Work Out

Favorite Sport: Football

Favorite Sports Team: Green Bay Packers

Favorite Animal: Panda

Favorite Ice Cream: Butter Pecan

Favorite Season: Spring


Any future articles you would love to write?

I would like to write an article that is a call to action from women. I would like to discuss how women need to learn how to help other women who are struggling instead of laughing at their struggles.

If you could go anywhere, where would you go?

Santorini, Greece.

If you could have a meal with anyone from history or present day, who would you eat with and why?

I would like to meet Barack Obama because he broke barriers for African Americans, and with me being one out of two blacks who are majoring in Computer Science, I would like to know how he overcame some of his obstacles.