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10 Times When The Office Perfectly Described Life in College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Gettysburg chapter.

1. When your professor assigns group projects:

2. When you forget to do an assignment until right before class:

3. When you remember the amount of money you’re spending on tuition:

4. When someone asks you how college is going so far:

5. When you get back an assignment you actually did really well on:


6. When someone asks why you haven’t gotten any work done:

7. When you’re struggling to stay awake in your 9 AM:

8. When you really just can not study any longer:


9. When you have a big assignment and you don’t know where to start:

10. But no matter how hard it gets, you know how lucky you are to be here:

Laura Wagner

Gettysburg '21

Laura is a sophomore at Gettysburg College where she plans to major in English with a writing concentration. She loves spoken word and classic poetry (particularly Emily Dickinson!), tennis, and spending time with her puppy. She is also passionate about social activism, intersectional feminism, and mental health advocacy.