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Let’s Talk about Life: Demi Lovato Style

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Georgia Southern chapter.



Let’s be real: there’s a lot of things about ourselves that we would like to change. Whether it’s the stretch marks located on your thighs, the shade of your teeth or the extra curves on your body, there’s something about us that we would like to change. Why do we feel like we are less than perfect when compared to everyone else?


For me, I’ve always felt like this not when comparing my body but when comparing my success to the success of others. If I wasn’t receiving this award or being recognized for this activity, I felt like my actions were useless.


 I didn’t stop feeling this way until I reached high school and started listening to Demi’s music. Not only did Demi teach me to love myself, but she taught me that standing out is so much better than fitting in. Demi taught me a lot of things and here are a few of Demi’s lessons that I want to share with you:


Vulnerability = Strength 

What’s the first thing you see when you look at this picture? For most people, the first thing they see is the cellulite on Demi’s thighs. For me, I see someone radiating with positivity and strength. You see, Demi taught me that being vulnerable doesn’t mean your weak. It takes someone strong to be vulnerable. 


By Demi posting this picture of herself, she is showing her fans all over the world that perfect can’t be defined by one definition. There are thousands and thousands of definitions of perfect that are accepted by people all over the world. It’s time to find, define, and shine your perfect.


Don’t Complain if you’re not Willing to be a Part of the Change 

Thanksgiving isn’t the only major thing I’m looking forward to in November. As a first time voter, I am counting down the days until I am able to put my right into action. Demi is a big advocate for voting. People located throughout the United States died and fought to have the right to vote and now it’s our time to repay them by voting.


What’s the big deal about voting? As someone who is submerged in politics, there’s a definite reason why voting is so important. We are the authors of the future and it’s our responsibility to make sure that the future is promising. One definite way to secure a bright future is by voting.


Voting lets politicians know what we support and don’t support. When you neglect your voting right, you have no right to complain because the opportunity was at you door and You decided to slam the door in its face instead of welcoming it in. 


If you’re not of voting age, you can help register people to vote, pass around voting flyers and transport people to their voting precincts. You’re never too young or old to initiate a change.


Setbacks Prompt the Best Comebacks

I’m pretty sure everyone remembers when Demi announced recently that she wasn’t sober anymore after a relapse sending her to the hospital. Not only does Demi suffer from substance abuse but she also battles with bipolar disorder. 


For someone living with bipolar disorder, life is an uncontrollable roller coaster of emotions; however, Demi did not let this disorder victimize her. She took full responsibility for her actions allowing her to embrace the fact that she has an addiction problem and reach out to millions of followers encouraging them to reach out for help.


Demi’s relapse was a setback which allowed her to make a comeback. By making her relapse public and releasing a song titled “Sober”, Demi, unknowingly, reached so many people suffering with addiction. She could’ve easily let her pride hinder her from broadcasting her setback, but she used the setback as a catalyst to her comeback.


It’s Time for Renewal of Life


As someone who spends most of the days volunteering, studying or finding ways to get involved on campus, I can definitely tell you that I don’t have much time to or for myself. It’s been a while since I’ve had time to stop and pose with the roses and I think it’s time for a life renewal.


Just a couple days ago, Demi was presented with the opportunity to visit the Middle East and she did not let her busy schedule get in the way of her renewal. By attending the trip, she was able to get in touch with her spiritual side and truly enjoy the places she learned about as a child. It’s your time for a renewal whether it’s spiritually, physically or emotionally.


Life’s too short to pass up once in a lifetime opportunities. Instead of coming up with excuses to postpone your renewal, don’t wait another day to start your renewal. You can find time to stop and pose with the roses.



Ultimately, Demi taught me that being open with my life and showing everyone that I’m my own type of perfect is the best way to enjoy life. I can’t live life constantly worried about how others view me and the negative opinions they have about me. I’m my own kind of perfect and I might have setbacks but they’re preparing me for my ultimate comeback.


As Demi once stated, “I don’t think there’s going to be a day when I don’t think about food or my body, but I’m living with it, and I wish I could tell young girls to find their safe place and stay with it.” 


Don’t forget to stop and pose with the roses!


Kimmy Smith

Georgia Southern '23

? don’t be afraid to achieve your dreams ? Do you like my work, but would like to see me write about a certain topic? Let me know on Snapchat: @kimber44444
Jordan Wheeler

Georgia Southern '22

Jordan Wheeler is a Junior Pre-Law Philosophy major who attends Georgia Southern. Jordan loves writing, singing, and hanging out with friends.