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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Georgia Southern chapter.

The end of the semester is fast approaching and we all know what that means, finals week is around the corner! You know, that week when most students have endless cups of caffeine, pull all-nighters, and the library becomes their home away from home. For some this routine can result in success with their test scores while others are not so successful. Here are some tips on how to come out on top during finals week!


1.      Get your supplies together: There’s nothing worse than getting ready to study and not having all the materials you need. Make sure all notes, books, and past quizzes or test if possible are present so that all the material you need to study is present. Organize and find a  specific place to store each classes’ material. Also, it’s important to have the essentials paper, highlighters, flash cards, and pen or pencil.

2.      Talk with your professor: It’s important to have a clear understanding of what is going to be covered on your exams. If the professor discusses in class what is going to be on the test make sure to make note of all the topics and ask questions if you have any. If there is something on the test that you struggle with or don’t understand, make an effort to discuss this with your professor when appropriate in class or set up a meeting during their office hours to get one on one help. If they are not available try to find a tutor or someone in the class that can help. That way you won’t be completely lost or confused while studying. Professors also like it when students take the initiative to get the grades they want in their class.


3.      Plan out a routine: As if regular school weeks aren’t chaotic enough at times, finals week can be a bit crazier if you don’t make a routine and practice good time management. You can buy a cheap planner or even use a Word document template to make a to-do list and plan out your week. Schedule how your day will go from the time you wake up  plan meals, decide what classes to study for on specific days, and try to pick a certain time to study and stick to it. If all-nighters are your thing by all means do that, however utilizing your time wisely is good no matter what time you plan on studying.

4.      Don’t Procrastinate: The worst thing to do during finals week is to procrastinate. Putting off studying repeatedly can only lead to a bad grade. The less time you spend on studying the less material will be retainable, which will result in more stress on you due to not being prepared for your test.

5.      Use your down time wisely: Finals week can be a little stressful and your brain is going to need a break here and there from all that studying! While making your routine include some down time that brings relaxation to you. Meditate, take a nap, watch your favorite movie, listen to your favorite songs, or even do some yoga. Also, getting a good night’s rest is very beneficial to your body and brain before taking a test.

6.      Don’t forget to eat: Just like a car needs fuel to run, you need food for energy! Make sure you’re eating and have snacks available to you while studying. Our dining commons Landrum and Lakeside are also serving breakfast during finals week from 12a.m.-2a.m. so don’t miss out on a free meal if you have a meal plan!

7.      Find your study spot: While studying, it’s crucial to have a great environment to study in. Find a place where you can focus and study efficiently.

8.      WANTED:  A Study Buddy: If you need help in a class or don’t enjoy studying alone find a study partner or group. There’s nothing better than sharing knowledge and helping each other get through finals successfully! Teamwork makes the dream work!

9.      Stay Positive: Never go into finals week with negative thoughts. Always believe in yourself and make a goal to put your best foot forward. If you remain positive and make a great effort towards your finals goals there’s no doubt you will do well.

10.  Dress for success: Ever heard the saying “if you look good, you feel good, if you feel good you do good”?  It’s based upon your behaviors and the way you approach things. It’s all about preparation. If you allocate time to prepare yourself to take an exam, your behaviors transcend into the actions that follow, and dressing appropriately is the final step. From wearing your comfy sweatpants and sweatshirts to your favorite winter scarf and knee-high boots, wearing clothes that bring comfort and/or confidence to you can result in doing well on the exam.


All of the steps listed above follow a theme which is preparation. If you put the time and effort into being prepared for finals week and meeting your academic goals, there’s no doubt that you’ll come out on top! Good luck to all on your finals!


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Danyelle Gaines

Georgia Southern

Jordan Wheeler

Georgia Southern '22

Jordan Wheeler is a Junior Pre-Law Philosophy major who attends Georgia Southern. Jordan loves writing, singing, and hanging out with friends.