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Alone, But Not Lonely

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Georgia Southern chapter.

Being alone may not be the ideal way to live. When we hear “alone”, the first thing we may think is “Why would I want to be alone?”

It just does not seem fun.

Being alone does have its perks. There are benefits of being alone that are often overlooked. Being alone does not mean being alone forever.

It is more about the mental aspect than it is physically; you can be alone and not feel lonely. Learning how to be alone and loving to be alone has its benefits.

Check out these benefits that come with being alone:

#1 Your confidence will sky rocket. Being alone does help with your confidence. You learn to accept who you are and love it. It is essential to learn how to be comfortable when it is only you around. You will feel more confident about your choices when there are no outside influences around to have a say-so. 

#2 You will learn more about yourself. Time to yourself means time to get to know all about you. You are able to look deeper at who you really are. When surrounded by others, you may find that you are catering to their needs, feelings and overall well-being. Take some time to offer yourself the same carefulness. Learn what you love and what you hate. Understand what you are feeling and why you feel that way. Get to know yourself by yourself without being afraid to do so.

#3 Productivity. Having company is great, but it can also have a negative impact on your productivity. If people are constantly around, where do you fit the time to take care of things? Alone time means you are free from distractions, which also means you can get things done. You can take the time to clean, handle school work, catch up on your reading or even schedule a hair appointment, who knows? Being in the company of yourself can encourage you to take care of that to-do list.

#4 Reflection. This is a powerful tool that everyone should take advantage of. Life can be crazy, and time moves insanely fast. It can be hard to set time aside for yourself to just think. Think about your life. Think about your goals. Think about how much you love yourself. Think about your many blessings. Think about past mistakes and how you are going to grow from them. This is when you place all of your focus on you. Reflecting gives our hectic minds a break to take things slow and bring ourselves back together.

# 5 Balance. You may have awesome people in your life, but being around them all the time can be draining. It is important to love both time with others and time with yourself. You may feel you need to make everyone satisfied or consider other’s needs before you do your own. Needing alone time does not mean you do not like people; it means you care about yourself so much that you understand you just need a break. Interaction with others is important, but so is the time you spend with yourself


I'm either at home writing or sitting at the nearest Starbucks. Writer. Poet. Womanist. PR Girl 
Jordan Wheeler

Georgia Southern '22

Jordan Wheeler is a Junior Pre-Law Philosophy major who attends Georgia Southern. Jordan loves writing, singing, and hanging out with friends.