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The Best App You’ll Ever Download

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Georgetown chapter.

We’ve all been there. In the back of a lecture, at 6 o’clock at night when you’ve been up since 9, when you can think of an infinite amount of things you’d rather be doing than sitting in this class, (even walking all the way to the gym). You’re not paying attention anyway so somehow you find your phone making its way from the safety of your backpack to the comfort of your hands. And now you’re checking your messages, and Instagram, and Twitter, and Facebook, and your email, and now you’re scrolling through your pictures, and you’ve completely stopped taking notes or even remotely trying to listen. And before you know it, class is over and your phone battery is at 2%. Do not fear collegiettes, all of your focus issues are about to be solved with the greatest app I’ve ever heard of (aside from Uber of course). 

I was once the student tempted by the allure of my phone but since downloading the app, Pocket Points, completely free in the app store, I’ve been focused, on top of my game, and completely engrossed in my course material without the distraction of my phone. Pocket Points is an app that gives you points for the amount of minutes that you stay off your phone while you are in an academic building. The points add up to give you free stuff (every college students favorite) and discounts at local and online businesses.  For example Wingos, Wiseys, and D.P. Dough in the Georgetown area. The more people that are using the app while you are, the more points you gain, creating a type of competition to gain more points than your fellow students. 

Pocket Points is available here at Georgetown and across the country. The company is also now incorporating pocket points in the work place as well. So put your phone away, disconnect, and reconnect with what’s important. 


Cole is a freshman at Georgetown University who spends her time writing, blowing her savings on online shopping, following professional sports, and telling everyone she meets how much she loves America. She is a writer for the Georgetown Chapter of the Odyssey, a lifeguard at Yates, and a contributing writer for Her Campus!
Victoria is a senior at Georgetown University studying Psychology. She is a self proclaimed Pinterest enthusiast and health nut, who also enjoys running, yoga, baking, and anything outdoors.