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8 Tips on How to Ace Your Final Exams

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Georgetown chapter.

Returning to campus, after Thanksgiving break, may be stressful. Finals are right around the corner and it is officially crunch time. 

1. Gather All Your Notes

Your in-class notes can be extremely helpful for reviewing a semester’s worth of lectures and readings. Try to organize your notes or binders so that you are not scrambling for information. If you realize that you’re missing information from a particular homework assignment or chapter, you will have enough time to look it up. 

2. Prioritize Your Readings and Notes

This piece of advice is overlooked by most students. If a professor spent quite a bit of time on a particular piece of information then, chances are, it will appear on your exam. 

3. Office Hours

If there is a particular piece of information that you do not understand, ask your professor.

4. Create Study Materials

Skim the textbook, reread your notes, make flashcards, and open a new notebook or whatever else you may choose as helpful.

5. Study Groups

If you are in an extremely difficult class, other students are probably in need of help, too. If the professor tends to speak at an unbelievably fast pace, it might be nice to double check your notes with another person’s notes.

6. Have Caffeine on Hand

It might be time to purchase a coffee maker for your apartment or a Keurig for your dorm room. Be prepared to invest your time into studying and caffeine may help keep you focused. 

7. Do NOT Cram

I know that it is tempting to pull an all-night study party in the hopes of acing an exam, but sleeping before an exam really is important.

8. Write a To-Do List

With all your classes, it is easy to overlook something. Taking a few minutes to write everything out, dates, times, and assignments can be really helpful.


Good luck studying!

Victoria is a senior at Georgetown University studying Psychology. She is a self proclaimed Pinterest enthusiast and health nut, who also enjoys running, yoga, baking, and anything outdoors.