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Wellness > Mental Health

Meet Rachel Carter, Test Administrator Extraordinaire

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at George Mason University chapter.

On the third floor of SUB I you’ll find a small office crowded with desks, No. 2 pencils, and Funko Pops as far as the eye can see. In this office, you’ll also Rachel Carter, Test Administrator of the Disability Services Testing Center. The Testing Center is a low-distraction testing environment that is set up to accommodate students of all abilities. Rachel is a Mason alum, Marvel aficionado, and overall badass. She’s passionate about her work, promoting equal access and empowerment for all students. 

Anna Bertino (AB): How was your undergraduate experience at Mason?

Rachel Carter (RC): I transferred from NOVA (Northern Virginia Community College), so I was here for two years. I graduated in 2014 with a B.A. in English. I was in the Undergraduate English Society, and I was also on the board of Volition, which is a student-run literary magazine. Volition was a really fun experience; it was a small group that basically got together to have fun and write stories. I wish more people knew about it, it’s a really cool opportunity for students to get their creative work published. 

AB: What were some of the “hot topics” on campus when you were a student here?

RC: I feel like students who lived off-campus back in the day were looking for more involvement opportunities, and I feel like that has really gotten better. There are more ways to get involved. Parking was another big issue. But the number of students has grown since I went here, but the number of parking spaces hasn’t really. 

AB: So now you’re back at Mason as a full-time employee. How did you find Disability Services?

RC: Yeah, so I ended up at NOVA working in their testing center part-time for three years after I graduated. I liked the work, but I needed a full-time position, so I came here. 

AB: How is campus different now? RC: I go to more meetings now. I still go to campus events, but the balance has shifted. There’s not that much of a difference on campus in general. Don’t get me started about the JC though. That’s different — I want my Burger King and Taco Bell back! 

AB: Let’s talk about Disability Services at Mason. How has it changed over the years, and what is your approach?

RC: The testing center has improved drastically. We implemented a central location with a lot more structure, with proctors and fewer distractions. We’ve expanded our staff as well. For example, we now have a full-time staff member dedicated to blind and low-vision student needs. Personally, I try to create a calm atmosphere so students who show up for a test and are nervous feel more comfortable when they start. It’s helpful for me to remember students to personalize our conversations and build a genuine relationship. Humanizing the process makes it all less stressful. ]

AB: What is something you wish people knew about Disability Services? 

RC: I wish people didn’t create a stigma. We’re friendly, non-judgemental, and here to help. I also wish more people knew about our services so they could use us as a resource if they need us. 

You can learn more about all things Disability Services at https://ds.gmu.edu/ or follow them on Facebook and Twitter!

Anna Bertino

George Mason University '21

Anna is a Communication major at George Mason concentrating in Public Relations and minoring in English. She is a social media editor for the HC George Mason chapter. Anna is also the president of Mason's Equestrian Club and Show Team. When not writing or riding, she can be found drinking tea, satisfying her sweet tooth, or planning her next vacation.
George Mason Contributor (GMU)

George Mason University '50

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