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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at George Mason University chapter.

I’ll be honest. I never really had a night time routine until I started thinking about writing this article. I would come back to my room after studying at odd hours of the night and jump into bed (I didn’t even change into my pajamas). I went to bed stressed and cranky, and I wake up in an rush because I forget to set an alarm.

As a college student, relaxing and taking care ourselves is so important, especially in the stressful environment we live in. Having about 30-45 minutes to yourself to wind down is blissful. My brain, just like every other college students’, is overactive and working all the time. Having a nightly routine helps shut it down and allows you to go to bed with a calm mind.

I’ve tried to have a nightly routine for the past week. I go to bed more relaxed and I wake up feeling equipped to take on the day. It helps me establish consistency in my life. As I started my nightly routine, my body knew it was time to wind down and get ready for bed. I even feel like I’m getting better sleep than before.

I’ve found that I have three major parts to my routine: cleaning up, prepping for tomorrow and unwinding. Everyone’s nightly routine is going to be different, but here are some examples you could implement in your routines:

1. Clean Up

a. Take a shower

b. Remove your makeup

c. Brush your teeth

d. Moisturize your face and body

e. Change into pajamas

f. Take any pills if necessary

Via Giphy

2. Prep For Tomorrow

g. Look in your planner to see what you have going on tomorrow

h. Check the weather and pick out your clothes for tomorrow accordingly

i. Set your alarms

j. Pack your bag/ backpack

k. Think about what you want to eat for breakfast

Via Giphy

3. Relax

l. Put your phone on Do Not Disturb (Yes, your alarms will still be on)

m. Drink water

n. Meditate

o. Read a book or article

p. Play some soothing music as background, turn off the bright lights and turn on string lights or a night light

Via Giphy

Here is one YouTube video that gave me the extra push to start a nightly routine. It has some great additional tips!


Sweet dreams, collegiettes.

Shabrina Parikh

George Mason University '21

Hi! My name is Shabrina, and I am a senior majoring in Information Systems and Operations Management. When I am not busy in my RA role, you can find me giving campus tours. I aspire to one day change the world with my words, and make a difference in my own little way.
George Mason Contributor (GMU)

George Mason University '50

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