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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at George Mason University chapter.


A former campus cutie introduced me to elitedaily.com last spring while he was a writer for the site.  As he skimmed through an article during class, the word zodiac caught my eye among a list of featured articles.  The horoscope junkie I am asked him to click it, and of course, being the controversial, male-oriented site that it is, the title was “Best Zodiac Signs to Have Sex With.”  Yes, they do feature articles like this, but we have to remember that while us collegiettes are interested in astrology pertaining to life and love, many guys don’t even know what their sign is.  Even though Elite Daily and I got off to a rocky start, I do enjoy occasionally browsing through their site because one, the male point-of-view always intrigues me, and two, they cover a huge range of topics.

I recently came across an article titled, “Why Having a Girlfriend Absolutely Sucks“.  I encourage you to read it at some point.  The article didn’t enrage me because I feel as though everyone should crave a relationship, or anything close to that.  It upset me how the author stereotyped not only women, but men, too, if not more. 

“If anything, women should be seen as selfish for even demanding such loyalty and they should just be happy we are willing to give them the D in the first place.”

 Excuse me?  As a college junior, I in no way want or need a boyfriend.  I’m not saying that it can’t happen, but I’m not trying to rope every guy I hook up with into a long-term relationship, or “demand loyalty”.  It’s much easier for me to go out on weekends and meet a sea of new people without having to consistently text a boyfriend.  I also don’t have to carve chunks of time out of my busy schedule for boyfriend-time only.  I know that if I did have a significant other, this would not be the chore I am making it out to be.  My point is that I, and many of my friends, are perfectly happy not being in a relationship…a few of us even have guys begging us to be in  a relationship with them, not the other way around.        

“The risk of being single does have a larger reward and by missing out on all the sex you could have a single man, you lose your swagger and your ability to pick up women after she breaks your little heart or catches you cheating.”

Number one: someone please tell me what single man is having sex with a new girl every weekend.  Anyone?  This is unlikely because most girls have to do all but wink to ensure a guy it’s okay to approach them; therefore, getting a girl to come home with him is a feat in itself.  While most guys casually do ask, most girls politely decline, while putting their number in his phone instead (and praying they punched in their own and not their mom’s).  Number two: a sure way for a guy to lose his “swagger” is hitting on numerous girls and climbing the ranks of playerhood.  There aren’t too many girls who accept a player’s invitation to do…well, anything, once they get wind of his player-status.  It’s such a shame when they’re super cute, too…   

“They are going to tell us we can’t talk to any other girls or look at any other girls. They will even go as far as deleting women from our Facebook friends.”

I hate to admit that I do know girls who delete their boyfriend’s Facebook friends, female contacts, etc., so ladies, remember, a relationship is not healthy if you feel the need to do all you can to ensure your guy isn’t cheating or thinking about it.  On the other hand, I have never come across a girl who has said their boyfriend cannot talk or look at other girls.  This is super creepy, and I honestly do not know how you would go about requesting that.  Maybe you don’t want your guy becoming bffs with your archenemy who is in his English class, but forcing him to avoid the female population at large is impossible.  Most intelligent women do know this; therefore, this request ceases to ever take place.  Further exemplifying the author probably has a psycho ex out there somewhere, among his own issues.


“When you have a girlfriend you are so distracted by the mess you’ve gotten yourself into that you can’t remember how you got there or how to escape and before you know it, you’re already doomed.”

Maybe we should thank the writer for indirectly saying that girls rule the world.  Apparently when we trap a guy in a relationship, we are so hypnotizing that they cannot escape us.  A relationship is not a marriage for a reason…so that when you feel “doomed” and trapped, you can make an exit without going through too much trouble.

 “When you trust them with your heart they will cheat, when you trust them with money they will steal and when you trust them with your life they will ruin it just to amuse their drama-hungry brains.”

If stealing involves a guy buying me a drink or a slice of pizza, I admit, I’m very guilty.  Other than that, the most drama I’ll cause is when a guy accuses me of stealing.  I guarantee the guy who wrote that article would drop his bad boy persona as soon as a pretty girl gave him the time of day, since clearly women seem to rattle him to the core…if not much deeper. 

Article aside, do what is best for you, whether single or taken.  And never be afraid of change.  Sometimes you’re stuck in a relationship because you don’t know who you would be without it…and college is a great way to find out.  Other times, there’s a change of environment; it was easier to keep tabs on your boyfriend when you were at his frat house every Friday night, but now you’re a brand-new 21 year old, the bar scene is calling your name.  Whatever your status may be, don’t let anyone take advantage of you, and make that cute guy in the corner work for your attention…and a sleepover.    

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Avalon Swindell Jones

George Mason University

Avalon is a senior at George Mason University, majoring in communication with a concentration in public relations and minoring in both business and electronic journalism.  She has been writing for Her Campus since fall 2011, allowing her to discover her passion for writing.  Her favorite topics to write about are relationships, embarrassing moments, and nights out.  
George Mason Contributor (GMU)

George Mason University '50

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