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Twitter: The Trends You Should Follow

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at George Mason University chapter.

There are three types of people you’ll meet in college: the die-hard tweeter, the Twitter hater, and the “what is a tweet?” Claiming to have persuaded many of her high school friends to create a Twitter, my roommate, a die-hard tweeter, convinced me to make my own freshmen year.
The first few months I didn’t use it whatsoever. I read other people’s tweets, but I didn’t quite know what I should tweet about. People who are ignorant about Twitter (and usually refuse to create one) think it is used to tweet to your followers every single time you floss your teeth or take a trip to the grocery store. At least I knew not to do that, but I wondered who would actually be interested in my personal 140 character blurbs. But I eventually found myself slowly tweeting more and more. When I started to gain a few more followers, it gave me the encouragement to tweet more than just once a day.

Now, I mostly tweet about funny experiences, and things that annoy me. Because where is a better place to vent than Twitter? Most people find humor in my annoyances anyway. Someone even told me that my Twitter was a “treasure chest of chuckles.” Of course I retweeted that immediately…who wouldn’t be flattered?!

Twitter is also a great way to network. It’s an easy way to let your followers know about an event you might be holding on campus, or the fashion blog you just started. I don’t know about you, but I rarely watch the news, or glance at a newspaper. By following your favorite news source, Twitter is an easy way to find out about the latest updates without having to watch TV for hours on end.

After two years on Twitter, here are my top six favorites to follow:
Beatriz Marino–@beaaa5:
Yes, this is my roommate, best friend, and same girl who somehow converted me into a Twitter fiend. Her tweets actually make me laugh out loud, and a laptop screen rarely makes that happen. I decided to read through her tweets and found a few I thought you might enjoy:
“Omg my mom said she won’t buy me jeans unless I take a photoshoot of her so she can have a new Facebook profile picture #killme”
“Of course the one kid that thinks it’s acceptable to sing the lyrics, snap, and sway back and forth decides to sit next to me”
“Just spent 30 minutes blow drying my bed and it’s still soaking #spilleddrink #partyfoul never again will guests be allowed”

CollegeTownLife is perfect for the average college student. I have retweeted many of their tweets because they cover the everyday nonsense that college students have to deal with. Some examples include:
“I should stop embarrassing myself…another day”
“This whole seasonal uncertainty is making my outfit selection difficult”
“I just woke up and I already need a nap.”
You’ll find the tweets hysterical and true…most likely because the exact same thing happened to you at a party last night. CollegeTownLife also tweets a song of the day that you’ll be sure to impress your friends with next weekend. And on their website, you can find playlists that are perfect for when you have a few friends over to relax after a long, stressful week. If that small gathering turns into a dance party, don’t be alarmed.

I knew about Demi and Ashton’s rocky relationship before any of my friends did, thanks to Jared. My friends wonder how I find out about the latest celebrity news so quickly, but all I have to do is scroll down my Twitter timeline. Jared covers the big things, but also updates you on the not-so-important daily events, like where Beyonce and her baby bump were last spotted. I’ve followed a few similar Twitters, but this is the one I’ve stayed with because it’s less gossip and more fact.

Princess Problems–@PrincessProbz
Whether you’re a girly girl or not, you’ll be able to relate to at least a few of these tweets. The tweets are the thoughts you would never say out loud but secretly wish you could. Instead of telling that annoying girl in your French class how really feel, release some of your building anger by reading a few of these tweets. And if you’re a girl with an attitude, you’ll be happy someone is finally on the same page as you. So put on that tiara I know you have lying around from your last birthday, and find some humor in the brutal, but true, honesty.

Fitness & Nutrition–@FITNESS
I just discovered this Twitter account, and the name tells all. They give you GREAT workout and eating tips, along with recipes for healthy, filling snacks. They often include links to articles, like what are low calorie options at Starbucks, and of course, I was all over that. Because their tweets can obviously be only 140 characters, many tips are easy things you can incorporate into your everyday routine.

White Girl Problems (Babe Walker)–@whitegrlproblem
I don’t quite know who Babe Walker is…or if that’s her real name…or even what she looks like. I do know that I was up half the night last night reading Babe Walkers blog, cracking up to myself. Babe has written a book that I have yet to read, but her tweets, which often have a link to a new blog post, are too true for the average, dramatic collegiette. Babe often writes about celebrities, telling them how she sees it. This is also how I see it most of the time, but Miley Cyrus probably doesn’t care if I think Liam should dump her just because of her new, horrendous haircut. She may be over the top sometimes but in a fabulous kind of way…the kind of way that I wish she could be my new best friend. But I guess her blog will satisfy my friendship need for now…
“I’m into you if you’re into me, but not too into me.” #whitegirlproblems

So if you already have a Twitter, than make sure to explore all of its possibilities. If you don’t have one, it is definitely something to look into! Make sure to follow Her Campus George Mason at @HCGeorgeMason for new articles and our latest updates! 

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Avalon Swindell Jones

George Mason University

Avalon is a senior at George Mason University, majoring in communication with a concentration in public relations and minoring in both business and electronic journalism.  She has been writing for Her Campus since fall 2011, allowing her to discover her passion for writing.  Her favorite topics to write about are relationships, embarrassing moments, and nights out.