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The Art Of The Vision Board

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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at George Mason University chapter.

A Guide To Organizing Your Goals And Ambitions 

It’s Vision Board Season, and creating a vision board for this new year is a great way to keep track of goals, hold yourself accountable, and somewhat “manifest” the things you want. With that said, here are the steps I take to creatively express my aspirations.

Related: Manifesting from the Inward Out 

1.  Reflect On The Past Year And What You Want To Accomplish

One of the best ways to begin a vision board is to evaluate the previous year and what you see yourself achieving moving forward. For example, have you wanted to travel or apply for a specific internship? Asking questions like these is a great way to start creating goals to place on the board.

2. Choose A Medium

Vision boards can take many forms, digitally or printed. A traditional vision board is typically a large poster with printed images or cut-out magazine photos, however my preferred way to create a board is through Pinterest. It is less wasteful than paper and super easy to organize images, especially with the addition of the new collage feature. Nonetheless, choose the medium that inspires you the most or excites you creatively. Other great options include wall art, Canva, and an app called PicCollage, which you can use on a mobile device!

3. Curate Images 

The images you choose should be visual representations of what you wish to accomplish or would like to see happen. For example, in my vision board I put images of corporate offices to represent my career ambitions while still in school as well as different variations of western wear, like cowboy boots, because that was something I wanted to incorporate more in my personal style. I also used a lot of quotes that resonated with those goals. For instance, I had quotes about self-care and confidence. Also, if something seems aesthetically pleasing or can help you blend your images together, you can add that as well!

4. Organize The Photographs

When it comes to assembling your vision board, there are two different approaches you can take. The first is dedicating one specific area within your board to a single goal. The second is scattering your images like a collage—which is how I do it. Your design decision is a part of the creative process and you should do whatever works best for you. 

General Tips

Since your vision board is basically a layout of what you would like to try or accomplish, avoid overwhelming yourself with too many images. I only like to choose about fifty images that vary between quotes, activities, and fashion inspo in order to be realistic.

Another tip is to take inspiration from other people. I was first inspired to create a vision board by a friend who recommended it to me as a way to help figure out what I wanted to do with my first year of college. Interestingly enough, our vision boards were quite different because of our separate goals and motivations. So, creating vision boards with friends is not only a great way to get to know them more, but their vision board might inspire you as well. Additionally, you now have people who can keep you accountable and remind you of your goals.  

Finally, remember to look back at your vision board occasionally to remind yourself of your goals and see if any changes need to be made. Most importantly, be patient with yourself and understand that all the things you would like to attain will take time and work.But, I have no doubt that you will achieve everything you aspire to this year.

Camila Rosales

George Mason University '26

Camila is a sophomore at George Mason University majoring in Business with a minor in English. Outside of being the Event Director and staff writer for her Hercampus chapter, she is a tour guide and participates in several sustainable initiatives in her area. She writes about fashion, pop culture, and sustainability.