This article includes mild spoilers for Netflix’s “The Society.” Read at your own risk!
Can we talk about how good “The Society” is for a minute? Seriously, this is one of the best TV shows I’ve ever seen, and it is certainly one of my favorite Netflix originals. It has everything working in its favor. And I’m not the only one who thinks so. The show was met with positive reviews as people seemed to really enjoy it. It got such great feedback that the show was renewed for a second season. However, as most of you probably know, Netflix decided to change its mind and cancel “The Society” altogether due to filming complications brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic.
When Netflix announced the cancellation, I was in the middle of watching the first (and now only) season of the show, so I was devastated to hear that this was all I was ever going to get. Yes, it’s been almost two years since we found out “The Society” was over, and yes, I’m still extremely bitter about it because I think this show deserved so much better. Especially considering some other projects Netflix continues to pursue that aren’t nearly as intricate and well done as “The Society.”
Firstly, the cast of “The Society” was incredible. Most of the actors were up and coming, which is something I appreciate about Netflix’s casting department. The only actors I remember seeing before are Kathryn Newton from a couple of her previous works and Damon J. Gillespie when he was in “Rise,” which is another show that I would’ve liked to see get a second season. The cast of “The Society” does a fantastic job of playing their characters, making sure that they’re all multi-layered and morally gray.
As with almost every show I enjoy, the element that stands out the most to me is the characters. They’re all so unique and add something different to the story. There are times when the good guys don’t seem like they’re the ones you should be rooting for, and times when the bad guys are working overtime to get the audience on their side. As hard as I try, I can’t think of a single character I dislike. They all bring something to the table that affects the story in one way or another. Some of my favorites include Elle, Becca, Harry, Sam, Kelly, Helena, Campbell, and Clark. Just to name a few.
The show’s content is relatively unproblematic. Sure, there are moments that do border that line, but it does a good job of staying clear of straying too far given its subject matter. Since the characters are forced to confront problems such as how to govern themselves and how they’re supposed to provide enough food to feed over a hundred people, it brings up questions for the audience to think about. How would you handle being thrust into power when there are no other options, and what would you do with said power?
The plot is super engaging. It’ll keep you guessing the entire time because there are so many twists and turns. Nothing can ever be steady; something always has to happen to mess up the harmony of New Ham. By the time each episode would finish, I was already reaching for the remote to start the next one. And let me just say that I will never forgive Netflix for leaving us with that cliffhanger in the final episode. I have so many questions that will be forever unanswered.
Even though there’s only one season of this show, I still recommend you give it a watch if you haven’t before or a rewatch if you have. I just rewatched the show and I loved it even more than the first time, which made knowing there isn’t a second season even worse. Regardless, the show is amazing. Plus, you never know. Maybe enough of us can keep complaining about how much we wish the show hadn’t been canceled and Netflix will give in to us. A girl can dream, right?