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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at George Mason University chapter.

It never ceases to amaze me how people can catch me on camera at my least attractive moments. You know…the exact time where your face happens to be at just the right angle for you to suddenly have three chins? Every few weeks I have to go on a Facebook photo untagging binge, taking down all the pictures people have carelessly tagged me in. Taking a good picture can be really hard, so here are a few tips for you to make the most of photography endeavors!

Position When taking a photograph, it is a general suggestion that you do not have the subject of your photography to be entirely centered. Photographers say to aim instead for the “rule of thirds”.  Most digital cameras (and even your iPhone!) now have a setting that will bring up a three by three grid. The goal is to have the subject hit one of the vertices of the middle square.

Angle Newspapers are constantly putting unattractive pictures of celebrities on their covers, claiming they have gained 30 pounds or they’re pregnant. Most of the time neither of those situations are the case, and it is just a bad camera angle; this can make anyone, even celebrities, look terrible. Luckily, a nice angle can do wonders for you as well! If the picture is only of your face, make sure the camera is even or slightly above your eye level. Any picture taken from below adds weight to the subject. Also, always remember to pose with good posture! Standing tall with your shoulders back can easily take off the five pounds the camera adds.

Lighting Natural lighting makes any photo better! Most people would assume taking a picture when it’s sunny would be optimal, but if it is too sunny, you run the risk of having a lot of heavy shadows on your face. The best lighting is actually a slightly overcast day because the clouds give you a filtered light that will make your skin look luminescent and fresh.

Good luck with your cameras, colliegettes. May the odds me every in your favor!

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Caroline Chisolm

George Mason University

College: George Mason UniversityClass: 2016Position in HerCampus: Photo Blogger
George Mason Contributor (GMU)

George Mason University '50

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