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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at George Mason University chapter.

This year, I have made a conscious effort on cultivating my space. I feel there is a distinction between cultivating your space and making it look cute and “aesthetic” in appearance. While I am a firm believer in decorating your home in a way you are comfortable, here are some ways I do that while also perfecting a functional study area. 

1. Elevate your laptop

I used to hunch over my laptop, but my back would hurt severely after sitting down for a long period of time. Getting a laptop stand (stacking your laptop on top of books also works just fine) has saved my posture and my productivity, being able to sit comfortably keeps me working longer and with better concentration. 

2. Look into a wireless keyboard and mouse

By now I’m sure many of you have seen the cute typewriter-style keyboards that have been making their way around TikTok. I caved and bought one and it was so worth it. Being able to simply use your laptop as a monitor and type however you please is amazing. Throw in a wireless mouse and you have a dynamic, practical work from home set up. 

3. Plants

I have a few plants around my desk. I take care of them and they take care of me. Keeping plants around your study area will lead to cleaner air and decreased stress levels. 

4. Snacks, water, tea, repeat

I feel like this one is pretty self-explanatory, however, if you are pulling a long study session it is highly plausible you will forget to eat or hydrate. Keeping everything you may need by your side will make sure you fuel your brain and minimize distraction. 

5. Wall calendar or white board

I have both of these in my desk area, and I swear by them. I made my own white board using a vinyl sheet protector and a blank piece of paper, and I do all of my planning for my respective jobs on it. 

Good luck in your studying endeavors this semester, collegiettes!

Blythe Dellinger

George Mason University '22

Blythe is a senior majoring in Global and Community Health with a minor in Anthropology. She often writes about topics related to physical/mental health and well-being. She is very passionate about substance use and access to healthcare and also enjoys discovering new music and food recipes. She hopes you find a little bit of yourself in her articles!
George Mason Contributor (GMU)

George Mason University '50

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