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How to Beat the Winter Blues

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at George Mason University chapter.

By: Janelle Germanos

Is anyone else missing summer right about now? Lounging by the pool, going to the beach with friends, and forgetting about school for a while sounds nice, especially after spending the day bundled up in winter gear. This January has been freezing, but it’s important to remember that the cold weather does more than making walking to class extremely unpleasant. Winter can be dreary and gray, wreaking havoc on our normal routines. Before we know it, watching  reruns on TV takes place of our normal gym routine. Even worse, a case of the winter blues could also turn into Seasonal Affective Disorder.  SAD also tends to occur in women more often than men, so it’s important to look for ways to stay happy and healthy. Here are some things I like to do to shake away a case of the winter blues.

Eat Healthy

Winter often feels like the perfect time to indulge in comfort foods while snuggling on the couch. Instead of always reaching for that mac and cheese, a cup of soup or a low-fat latte can do the trick of satisfying your winter cravings. Eating fresher food and avoiding processed food as often as possible can help keep you focused and less likely to fall into a slump.

Stay Active

The cold weather makes all of us less willing to go outside and be active. Instead, we want to stay inside relaxing, reluctant to face the howling winter wind. Keeping your exercise routine exciting can help to combat this urge. I have found that going to group exercise classes, like those offered at the Aquatic and Fitness Center, can help to bring excitement back to my workout routine. After all, what could be better than a little Zumba?

Brighten Up Your Room 

Winter can bring me down because of the lack of sunlight. I’ve found that adding certain decorative pieces to my room, like a floral-patterned picture frame with a summer picture, can help lighten my mood. Try hanging up some bright string lights or buying a fake flower arrangement—both are thrifty ways to make your room more cheerful! A luau themed party is also an exciting way to bring a warm weather theme to your apartment.

Make Staying Inside fun

So the bitter cold is unbearable. It’s time for some fun indoors activities! Winter is the perfect time to bond with your closest friends and roommates. Host a slumber party and have a girl’s night. Watch movies that you’ve always wanted to see but never had the time classes and your social life.  Don’t forget to watch some classics! Don’t feel bad about relaxing during the wintertime.

Learn A New Hobby

Winter couldn’t be a better time to try something new! Personally, I have resolved to become a better cook, so I will be spending some time trying some warm winter recipes. With the cheerfulness of the holidays behind us, that doesn’t mean there’s nothing left to love about winter. The prospect of snow is exciting and fun, as well as the thought of drinking some hot chocolate and bundling up in adorable layers.

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Tess Mackey

George Mason University

Tess is a senior at George Mason University majoring in Communication with a concentration in Public Relations.  She has been addicted to fashion since she was a child frequenting the streets of New York City with her mom, and collecting copies of her favorite magazines Instyle andVanity Fair.  Along with HerCampus, she is a style guru for CollegeFashionista.com, and she is beginning an internship this summer in journalism.  When she is not writing, she spends her time working at a local high-end local boutique and consignment shopping with friends.  
George Mason Contributor (GMU)

George Mason University '50

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