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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at George Mason University chapter.

As a transitional season, fall allows you to set the tone of your wardrobe in a way that suits your style and keeps you comfortable in the crisp weather. By layering the clothing you already own, you are able to create brand new outfits from those pieces that have been sitting helplessly in your closet. Wearing your “warm weather” clothing throughout all four seasons is important because it allows you to recycle the same items repeatedly. In addition, purchasing smaller items that can be worn throughout the year will save you money versus purchasing a brand-new wardrobe. Here are four tips for transitioning your wardrobe for the season!

1. Purchase Outerwear!

Fall outerwear is not only a perfect staple for fall but a necessity throughout the year. Whether you choose a lightweight rain jacket for the summer or a heavy-duty coat for the winter, the possibilities are endless for picking the perfect outerwear piece. In fall, the weather is cold enough for a lightweight option which can range from denim to leather jackets, shackets, cardigans and flannels. An extra layer allows you to reuse tank tops and short sleeve shirts to style them in new ways. In addition, the pattern and color options are endless which gives you the opportunity to play around with different trends such as patterns, pops of bright color and nude tones.

2. Wear Your Prints and Colors!

Animal print, floral print and brighter colors go in and out of style quickly so buying these pieces in basic styles and having matching outerwear for them is key to keeping them stylish regardless of if society deems it “popular” at that point in time or not. I tend to buy turtlenecks, bodysuits and crop tops in the same prints and colors so I can wear my clothes year-round, despite the weather changes, just by putting my outfit together differently. In the fall I like to layer a bodysuit with a black leather jacket, white cardigan or a brown corduroy jacket. The best colors to buy outerwear in are black, white and nude tones because they match with other colors and prints while maintaining their versatility. Although there are constant changes to floral print and its impact on fashion, ditsy floral specifically has continued to be a driving force on and off the runway.

3. Be Trendy (Or Not)!

As summer ends and autumn begins, so do social media trends on what the season’s fashion will look like. My rule of thumb is to only follow a fashion trend if I have the articles of clothing already in my possession to recreate the trends with. Not only does this save me money but it allows me to redirect my focus onto my personal “needs” in fashion that can be worn consistently such as basic tops, outerwear and pants.

4. To Boot or Not to Boot?

I admit that before this fall season I was absolutely against booties and combat boots. However, I have since realized that it only takes two pairs of boots to really make all of your outfits pop.  Personal favorites of mine are Dr. Martens 2976 Chelsea Boot and The Glove Boot from Everlane. Having a more physically structured boot and then also having a more formal boot makes fall outfit pairing that much easier all according to the occasion you’re wearing the style to. Although sneakers go with virtually every outfit, wearing boots during the fall is a staple for the transitional weather into winter!

As seasons change and I am able to write more articles about fashion, these will certainly not be my last tips on how to think differently when it comes to clothing and style. Now, enjoy the crisp fall weather and the changing colors of the leaves outside. Be sure to take photos in your best outfits that you piece together!

George Mason Contributor (GMU)

George Mason University '50

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