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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at George Mason University chapter.

Age: 21
Year: Junior
Major: Mathematics
Hometown: Purcellville, VA
Relationship Status: Single

What activities are you involved in on campus?
I am motivated by academics and my lovely sisters in Alpha Xi Delta. I am a part of the Honors College, the math club, and the Greek Week Steering Committee. This past semester I was a Rho Gamma and I helped potential new members to find homes in the Panhellenic chapters on our campus. When my nose isn’t in a book I am participating in Autism Speaks events along with my sisters! All of this activity doesn’t leave a lot of room for my first love of musical theater, but i make up for that by being the Song Chair for Alpha Xi Delta and participating in community theater during the summer.

What is your favorite quote to live by?
‘An optimist laughs to forget, a pessimist forgets to laugh.’ I think more people need to relax, enjoy life, and roll with the punches.

What are your plans for the future?
My immediate plans are to graduate college, haha. I’m debating between going to grad school for engineering or teaching for a while with Teach for America.

What is your biggest fear?
Ok, this is weird, but I am scared of knives. Specifically if someone is making dinner and they like to talk with their hands, I can’t look at them while they are holding a knife. Just the image of them waving it around, even if I’m across the room from them, unsettles me.

Sabel is a senior at George Mason University majoring in History and Economics. Although she'd rather stay a student forever, she is excited to see what the future brings her in the fashion industry. Besides her endeavors at HerCampus, Sabel is a Style Guru for CollegeFashionista.com writing the Style Advice of the Week column for Mason. Adding to her busy schedule are her duties in her sorority, volunteering for Operation Smile, contributing to the social media world, feeding her soda addiction, shopping at J.Crew and coloring everything around her pink. And yes, the last three are major priorities in her book.