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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at George Mason University chapter.

Welcome back GMU girls!  Hopefully this year brings great memories and high GPA’s for all!  With that said, there might come a time when you need a break from studying, and you might have no clue about the DC nightlife. Throughout the year, my nightlife-based articles will address those who are of legal drinking age, but I’ll try my best to highlight some places where 18+ are allowed (without directing you to a lousy club of course).  If you haven’t heard of, or haven’t been yet, this first event, Life In Color, is a must attend and great for underage friends!

With classes just starting, you’ll have some time before you find yourself going crazy over due dates and exams. However, when that time comes, you want to be able to do something epic and momentous to shake the stress away. Life in Color, the travelling paint music festival, is less than a month away, hitting D.C. Saturday, September 21st . Originally named DayGlow, this festival combines DJs and paint…what else could you ask for?

When DayGlow came to D.C. last year, it featured Dada Life and the Bingo Players, two reputable house DJs, and more paint being thrown around than your heart (and body) could desire. This year, the event team is shaking things up by giving LIC a new look and feel.  One new awesome aspect is that DayGlow will be an entire day event instead of just being held at ngiht. Artists such as David Solano, Nicky Romero, and Savoy will be making appearances, and there will be entertaining activities like bungee jumping and a Ferris wheel. Even for frequenters of LIC, this is an entirely new experience, and well worth the money.

I remember when I was debating going last year, and some of you might be having similar concerns.  Number 1: it’s a lot of money ($77 for general admission).  Number 2: I can’t drink yet.  And number 3: I don’t know if anyone would be willing to go with me.  But I’m here to ease your mind.  As far as festival events like this, it’s actually reasonably cheap, especially considering you get to see multiple artists perform.  As far as drinking is concerned, LIC  is such an adrenaline rush that you don’t need any alcohol in my opinion, and you want to remember it don’t you?  It’s one of the best atmospheres I’ve ever been in, and the music is so energetic, I guarantee you’ll forget you’re sober. Finally, have a little LIC viewing party with a few friends.  Show them a YouTube video of last years show, and I’m sure they’ll be sold.

I’m counting down the days to LIC, and hope to see everyone there. It’s an experience you’ll be talking about until you go again next year.  Clubs and bars aren’t going anywhere, but LIC Saturday will go down in D.C. history. I was unsure if it would be worth the money the first time I went, but here I am going again this year! Here’s a link to the website, and from there you can buy tickets and see all the videos and pictures to get hyped as we countdown!  http://www.lifeincolor.com/.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v… <--Check out this video!


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Bri Perry

George Mason University

Since moving to DC a lot has changed for me. I love bringing people to new places and having a great time in the city.
George Mason Contributor (GMU)

George Mason University '50

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