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Commit To Be Fit: Start the Year Off Right

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at George Mason University chapter.
Between moving in, classes starting, and homework piling up it is easy to let your health slide at college. We run out of time to think about our eating choices and make excuses to not hit the gym. Goodbye bikini bod, hello Freshman 15 (upperclassmen you know what I’m talking about!) There is no excuse not to make your-self a priority. How are you going to get the A+ in Math 106 or battle you way through a grueling 9am Chemistry class if you aren’t treating your body right? When we eat junk food and don’t work out we become sluggish and lazy, which contributes to high stress levels and poor immune systems.  

There are ways to have it all the social life, the grades, and a healthy lifestyle (let’s not forget sleep either!)  Here are some tips to give you a running start on your health this year.
  • Eat breakfast! Yes, it is easy to roll out of bed 10 minutes before class and remember to grab everything but something to eat. Eating breakfast is crucial for your metabolism; it sets the tone for the entire day.  A smoothie from Freshens is made with no high fructose corn syrup, no trans- fat, and a zero calorie sweetener. Go for a low calorie one like Peach Breeze (80 calories).


  • Keep snacks in your backpack! Just like all of your other daily essentials it is important to have a snack or two on handy whenever you need a quick pick me up.  A handful of almonds (about 164 calories) are full of protein, vitamin E, and can even help you lose weight. For something sweet try dried fruit (about 75 calories). Put in yogurt, salads, or even bake them into your favorite dessert for a treat. Avoid the fries from Burger King (340 calories in a small) no matter how tempting!
  • Plan your workouts every week. Before Jersey Shore on Thursday night, take time to plan some workouts (at least 3 hours a week). Walking from class to class just isn’t going to cut it. Even if you can only get a 30 minute run in everyday some activity is better than none. There are three gyms spread out across campus, and if you can’t stand the idea of a treadmill, run around Patriot Circle with your roomie (three laps = 5 miles). Working out releases natural endorphins in the brain that give you a natural high. You will be more alert during the day, sleep better at night, and be an all-around more enjoyable woman to hang out with. Not to mention the ability to avoid weight gain!
  • Southside can be your best friend or your worst enemy. It is a great place to get an awesome variety of food that the meat eaters and vegans can both enjoy, but it can also lead to overeating. Having so many choices makes you want to try them all. Keep in mind though that you have the entire year to eat there and the food isn’t going to disappear. Only eat what you can carry and try not to go back for seconds!
  • Late nights lead to unneeded calories. All night diners like Pilot House and Ike’s are great for late night hangouts and all night study sessions, but be careful of what you eat and when. Eating after 6pm can lead to weight gain. Your body doesn’t burn as many calories when you sleep and when you eat a stack of pancakes at midnight, they sit in your stomach and don’t fuel your body. If you have to give into your sweet tooth try to eat the ice cream, candy bar, or cake after lunch that way your body burns up the calories before you go to sleep.

College is hard, but you don’t have to make it harder for yourself by getting sick all of the time. Eat healthy to keep you immune system up and work out to keep the calories burning.  Eating is a social activity and a time for you to enjoy a break from the craziness. Just remember to stay away from processed foods and always pick the fruits and veggies before the fries. There is time to take care of your body; you just have to make it.

Sabel is a senior at George Mason University majoring in History and Economics. Although she'd rather stay a student forever, she is excited to see what the future brings her in the fashion industry. Besides her endeavors at HerCampus, Sabel is a Style Guru for CollegeFashionista.com writing the Style Advice of the Week column for Mason. Adding to her busy schedule are her duties in her sorority, volunteering for Operation Smile, contributing to the social media world, feeding her soda addiction, shopping at J.Crew and coloring everything around her pink. And yes, the last three are major priorities in her book.