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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at George Mason University chapter.

Whether it’s her contagious smile or her genuine personality you can’t help but to enjoy being around, sophomore public relations major, Christen Robert’s. This fashionista has high aspirations for greatness and a drive that is not easily broken. With both beauty and brains, Roberts definitely is the whole package.

What are some of your interests?:

I love to work out! Being physically fit is a must and it keeps me going to get things done throughout the week.Every month, I always have to catch a glimpse of the fashion magazines to make sure I am up to-date with all the seasonal trends and upcoming events.

Who’s your celebrity role model(s) and why?
This is a tough one…I would have to say my mother.  I know she is not a celebrity, but she is the first person I think of when I see “role model.”  My mom is a tough cookie, and she has always been my solid rock. I cannot think of any moment in my life where she has not been by my side as a mentor, friend, or as a sister.  

Who/what do you base your fashion style off of why? Where do you like to shop?

I like to base my fashion sense off how I’m feeling at that particular moment.  I love to shop at almost any outlet mall, ZARA, ASOS, Forever 21, and Michael Kors on occasion (and only on payday haha).  

How do you feel about the fashion sense of fellow patriots?
Almost everyday, I see something fashionable on campus!  I love catching fellow patriots looking fashionable and trendy because it shows their personal form of expression and how they see fashion through their own eyes.

What do you usually do on the weekend?
Hmm…I am usually hibernating in a study room studying my life away.  Maintaining good grades is not exactly easy, but I feel the need to always stay on my grind so that I will not have to worry.  Sometimes, I want to get away from all the books, so I get all dolled up, throw on some platforms, and go out with my ladies.

What attracted you to Mason?

I love the diversity on our campus! It allows us all to have a multicultural outlook on life and it symbolizes what our nation is today-diverse!  GMU is far enough away from home, without being too far and the academic credentials of the university drew me in.  We are also extremely close to Washington, D.C., which is an added bonus.

How has your experience at Mason changed over the years?:

As a freshman, it was almost like being a little fish in a big pond and trying to find out what you want to do, but now as a sophomore, I can say that I have found my niche and my place here at Mason.  The main thing that changed my experience would have been the drive and motivation I put towards targeting my goals and actually having achieved most of them.  My first year I had a lot of free time to spare, whereas this year I have a job, an internship, and I am involved with campus nonprofit organizations.

In 10 years where do you hope to be/working/location? Why?:
Hopefully in 10 years, I will be in a major city (Atlanta or NYC) working as a PR Director for a fashion publication or as a an Events Management Director throwing the next spring show for Michael Kors!  I like the face that cities never sleep and there will always be something going on.

What are you involved with on Campus? Why?:
Currently, I am a member of the Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA), member of Chasing Dreams Not Boys (CDNB), member of the PR Fashion Team for GMU Fashion Society, and a Fashion columnist for Broadside.  All of these different on-campus organizations help me stay productive, organized, and active thorough the semester.

Even though you are very involved on campus, is there anything else you would like to do while you are Mason? 
Next year, I really want to become a part of GMU’s Her Campus because it is an online woman community that gives insight to what’s going on around campus and it serves as a guide to make college life more fun and interesting.  I also want to work within the Office of Student Involvement, because I love being involved and would enjoy helping coordinate events for the entire campus!

George Mason Contributor (GMU)

George Mason University '50

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