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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at George Mason University chapter.
Age: 20
Year: Sophomore
Major: Tourism and Events Management, Concentration Events Management
Hometown: Kennesaw, GA

What is your favorite thing about Mason?
My favorite thing about mason is our school has so many opportunities to be involved! It’s so diverse with so many great organizations, and that makes it almost impossible not to find SOMETHING you love!

What is your dream job?
I’m such a romantic, so I would love to be a Wedding Planner. I love all the details at weddings and one day I’d love to be the one in charge of them!

What is your biggest pet peeve?
I really hate when people close the box to the cereal, but then they leave the bag open. It’s sounds so lame but it is such a peeve! The cereal goes stale, anyways! It’s silly, but very annoying.

Describe your dream date.
Well nothing fancy. I’m not one who like big fuss and lots of pressure. I think my favorite date in any movie has got to be Notting Hill! I love the scene where they climb over the fence just to walk around an empty park. I think it’s really the thought that counts in dates, not the show.

What is something people would be surprised to know about you?
I can sing the entire Moulin Rouge Soundtrack. When I was younger, I was literally obsessed with all the music from the movie/musical! So now, after years of listening to it, I can sing any song from any point. So weird, I know, but still surprising.

Sabel is a senior at George Mason University majoring in History and Economics. Although she'd rather stay a student forever, she is excited to see what the future brings her in the fashion industry. Besides her endeavors at HerCampus, Sabel is a Style Guru for CollegeFashionista.com writing the Style Advice of the Week column for Mason. Adding to her busy schedule are her duties in her sorority, volunteering for Operation Smile, contributing to the social media world, feeding her soda addiction, shopping at J.Crew and coloring everything around her pink. And yes, the last three are major priorities in her book.