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Age Is Just A Number…Or A Deal Breaker?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at George Mason University chapter.


Most conversations I have with my friends involve at least one hysterical, hypothetical situation.  For example: would you date Snoop Dogg (or Lion…?) for three months in exchange for Liam Hemsworth’s undying love?  Or another favorite is how much would you have to be paid to twerk in front of everyone in the JC?  Now that we’re spending our weekends trekking around DC, we meet guys who are “real people” (job, apartment, dog…).  So, our hypothetical situations have evolved.  A recent discussion has revolved around our personal age limit.  If a guy is Channing-hot, but 28, would you still go on a date with him?

In college, we’re used to meeting a guy at a party and then slowly but surely getting to know him.  Maybe you grab lunch before class, or he comes to your dorm to watch a movie one night (just so your friend can get a good look…and embarrass you).  You develop a daily Starbucks routine, meet all of his fraternity brothers, and before you know it, you two are practically together.  In a lot of ways, it’s more natural than “dating”.  I recently read an article that the dinner and a movie official kind of date is on its way out.  I can’t say I’m complaining since I think a date is just a big embarrassing moment, but I’ll save that for another time.

Anyways, older guys aren’t going to swing by your dorm for a study sesh.  Instead, they want to take you out.  You tell me if that’s a pro or a con…yes, he’ll buy your dinner, but it won’t consist of the giant cheeseburger you spotted a picture of on the menu.  And you’ll be constantly wiping your mouth and secretly checking your teeth all while trying to think of the next conversation topic.  He’ll talk about his glory days, which you’re living, and then you second guess the whole thing all together.

This brings me to my next point.  When guys think of college girls, they think of the partying, the drinking, and the hooking up, so he probably thinks you’re down to go down.  Lately, I’ve picked up on the fact that a majority of guys think the younger you are, the easier you are.  Yes, we’re all out to have a good time, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have any real world experience.  It’s almost like these guys think the last semester of our senior year, we get a wakeup call…but for the record, I won’t be giggling my way back to your apartment anytime soon. 

On the other end of the spectrum, the guys who don’t want your one-night stand might want your commitment.  I mean, 40 may be the new 30, but I will be judging a 30-year-old for not looking to get serious.  Be careful, though, because that is an entirely different life stage.  After I graduate, I have to plan my life first, not my wedding.  Then again, if we’re reading into older guys, what about the younger ones?  An 18-year-old probably has a different outlook, too, so you really can’t look too deeply into age. I mean, Mary-Kate seems to be perfectly happy with her creepy 42-year-old French boyfriend who looks about 60 (and he’s not George Clooney old-hot)… 

So what is your age limit?  My friends’ answers ranged from 23 all the way to 35.  I personally would not date anyone even close to 35…it would probably even take some convincing for me to date someone who is 25.  But we decided that the older a guy is, the more “net worth” they must have.  Therefore, if Ryan Gosling’s twin asked me out, I might say yes, even though he is 32.  But then I really start to think about it…when I was born, he was in middle school…and when I was 10, he had already graduated from college…maybe I wouldn’t say yes after all… Call me crazy, but let me enter the workforce before I start dating men who are ready to buy a house and call it a day. 


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Avalon Swindell Jones

George Mason University

Avalon is a senior at George Mason University, majoring in communication with a concentration in public relations and minoring in both business and electronic journalism.  She has been writing for Her Campus since fall 2011, allowing her to discover her passion for writing.  Her favorite topics to write about are relationships, embarrassing moments, and nights out.  
George Mason Contributor (GMU)

George Mason University '50

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