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5 Ways to Survive Valentines Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at George Mason University chapter.

If you happen to find yourself checking the “single” box this time of year, then you’re probably dreading the super cheesy love infested day, otherwise known as Valentines Day. While it may seem like everyone around you is celebrating the Hallmark holiday, there are ways to avoid the nonsense. To help you out, here’s a list of five ways to make sure you stay grounded this Valentine’s Day.

1.  Avoid couples at all cost.

That means stay away from stores, malls, restaurants, basically any outdoor place where you might run into a pair holding hands, or (God help us) kissing. Even if that means hiding yourself in your room– so be it.

2.  Stay clear of shopping aisles.

Nothing’s worse than your weekly Safeway trip getting ruined because you took the wrong turn and ended up in that painfully red, pink, and all things lovey aisle. However, it’s perfectly acceptable to visit the aisle on the 15th and benefit from discounted candies.

3. Online shop!

Timing is everything with this one. Plan your purchase so your package arrives on or around the 14th. This way you don’t spend the day empty handed –even if your new goodies are from yourself.

4. Order pizza.

No one can or will ever love you as much as pizza can. This is the only time that you are allowed to succumb to the feeling of love.

5.  Turn to Netflix.

On this horrible heart filled day you might feel lonely and unloved…But don’t forget you a pay a whopping $10.00 a month to have the unlimited love and companionship of your favorite TV characters. ie. Stefan and Damon, Schmidt and Winston and Joey and Chandler. Netflix will never leave you.

Currently a Junior at GMU majoring in Graphic Design with an Sport Communication Minor.
George Mason Contributor (GMU)

George Mason University '50

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