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3 Ways To Warm Up A “Going Out” Outfit

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at George Mason University chapter.

In the fall, it seems that as soon as the sun goes down, it’s suddenly January. It’s not fair that two weeks ago it felt like August! This crazy cold is only going to get worse from here, and once Halloween is over, you’ll have to go back to picking out an outfit for the club from your winter wardrobe. Dresses aren’t the only sexy thing to wear out, though; you can spice up your outfits and still stay warm as winter approaches. Here are some ways I pair three different bottoms with tops and shoes to make cute bar and club outfits!


Don’t call me crazy just yet; hear me out here! Dark or rinse wash jeans are always in, and since jeggings came in style a few years ago, they offer a nice stretch for dancing. Accent dark jeans with a lighter top.  A top with some “bling” is cute for clubbing, or something that flows for a bar scene; I really like the long sleeve chiffon button ups. Tie it all together with some heels or heeled booties, and you not only look classy and sexy, but also, stay warm!

Abercrombie and Fitch rinse jegging $68


I am in love with tights. For such sheer fabric, they acttually do make a difference when it’s chilly outside! A lot of tights sold at stores like Target even have control top, so you look even better than you beautiful ladies already do! Nude tights still let you show off your legs but not at the price of freezing. Personally, I love black tights with skirts or dresses because they make my legs look longer! If you’re feeling bold, you can wear lace or printed tights.

Forever 21 classic tights $5.80


I dislike the in-between weather, where you don’t want to have to wear your coat to the bar, but you also don’t want to have to make a human-barricade huddle on the sidewalk. Blazers can be found for cheap, and make your outfit instantly stylish. Colored blazers are in, and if you have a tank top or short sleeve shirt you like to wear to the bar, a blazer can instantly switch it to an autumn top. If you get too hot, it’s also easier to throw the blazer over your arm than a jacket or coat, so you don’t feel weighed down.


I wish everyone warmth in these next few weeks as we all venture out for Halloween and nightlife fun! Find some great new outfits to enjoy your fun in!

Photos courtesy of: Forever 21, Abercrombie, WordPress

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Bri Perry

George Mason University

Since moving to DC a lot has changed for me. I love bringing people to new places and having a great time in the city.
George Mason Contributor (GMU)

George Mason University '50

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