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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at George Mason University chapter.

Here at George Mason, we are brought together by the desire for a higher education and a successful career. We are also brought together by some of the funny and crazy things that happen on this campus! Sometimes we think the things we observe going on are just us, but rest assured you are not alone in this Mason community! This is only a small list of some signs that you are a fellow Patriot:

13. You’ve never been to a basketball game completely sober.

It’s ok girl…we’ve all been there.

12. You hate your meal plan, because you have to use two or more at the good places on campus.

Panda Express will be the death of me.

11. When you’re bored in class, you immediately go to GMU confessions for a good laugh.

Except for those few where you have to question the sanity of your peers.

10. If you wear yoga pants and a hoodie and it’s not finals week, you look like a homeless person compared to everyone else.

This is me guys, just getting ready for class!

9. You can’t find a place on campus because they’ve renamed it…again.

It’s not our fault Mason named a bunch of buildings “1” and “2.”

8. You pretend to be on the phone when you walk through the JC courtyard, so no one tries to hand you a million flyers or tiny bibles.

“How did you know I have nowhere to be? Tell me the stories of your people, I’m all ears.”

7. You have to strategically plan your Pilot House trips to avoid Mason cops

The desire for Mac N’ Cheese wedges truly gets tested here.

6. You have to leave class early in order to stand in the Chic-Fil-A line before your next class

This wasn’t even the day they announced we finally have milkshake machines.

5. Spending your freshman year freezing by the meters or Sandy Creek waiting for a frat party ride.

Now we drive by on theme nights for a good laugh.

4. You didn’t need to set an alarm when you lived on campus because the lawn mowers and ice picks would wake you up at 7 AM everyday.

Even on sundays…WHAT IS THAT?

3. You hate commuters clogging up campus when you live on campus and hate on-campus students for not understanding the commuter struggle.

No…but really.

2. You understand what the phrase “being stalked in the parking lot” means, whether it’s for a parking space or a date.

Looks about right.

1. You stop questioning the weird things people wear/do after your first year, and just think “welcome to Mason…”

But honestly, we love you Tuba Guy, come back around soon!

Photos courtesy of:

http://i.qkme.me/363t0g.jpg; https://www.facebook.com/photo… https://www.facebook.com/photo… http://www.google.com/url?sa=i… https://www.facebook.com/photo… http://memecrunch.com/meme/DUI… https://www.facebook.com/photo… http://i2.cdn.turner.com/dr/hl… http://upload.wikimedia.org/wi… http://heatheruntethered.files… https://www.facebook.com/photo… http://1001jackasses.com/wp-co… http://www.washingtonpost.com/…

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Bri Perry

George Mason University

Since moving to DC a lot has changed for me. I love bringing people to new places and having a great time in the city.
George Mason Contributor (GMU)

George Mason University '50

Want to get involved, or have a story idea we should write about? Email us! hc.georgemason@hercampus.com