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13 Best Halloween Costumes Of 2013

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at George Mason University chapter.

Choosing the perfect Halloween costume is a crucial decision for any female. If you’re anything like me, it’s difficult enough to pick out what to wear on any regular day, let alone picking a costume to wear just once! How are we supposed to pick just one single outfit when there are so many fantastic options? Deciding to go with sexy, humor, cute, or even scary is always a struggle. Here’s hoping that these options help to inspire you and make your decision for this year’s festivities easier!

13. Marilyn Monroe You really can’t go wrong with this iconic costume. It can be turned into a sexy version, or just the basic beautiful classic look. Use it as an opportunity to try out blonde hair or buy a dress you’ll be able to wear again.  

12. Ariel Don’t be just another fish in the sea! To celebrate the release of The Little Mermaid on DVD soon, don your best fin and rock some long ginger hair because this costume will be a hit. 

11. Leopard Channel your inner Katy Perry goddess with this look. After all, who doesn’t want to be Katy Perry? Plus, you’ll have an excuse to sing “Roar” at the top of your lungs all night long!

10. Pink Lady What better excuse to rock some sexy leather pants than dressing as this classic figure? A pink lady will always be in style! 

9. Blair Waldorf I can’t think of a single person who would not be willing to be Blair Waldorf. Halloween is the most appropriate time to act like your favorite rude-but-lovable TV character–without having to wear a headband every day of your life.

8. Tea party girl Put a spin on the typical Alice in Wonderland costume that gets repeated year after year. Use Oz, The Great and Powerful as your inspiration (think Mila Kunis).

7. Nicki Minaj Have you ever wondered what your hair will look like pink or blue? Or have you ever desired rocking a crazy outfit (and getting away with it, of course)? Then, Nicki Minaj is a fabulous costume for you. Experiment with hair colors and fashion choices while still stunning everyone. Nicki will always be loved.

6. Sexy Leg Lamp If you’re the type of person who can’t decide between a funny and sexy costume, this is the right costume for you. It’s unique, but everyone will understand and appreciate it! Not only will you get people to laugh, but you still get to rock fishnets and black stilettos. 

5. Grumpy Cat I have to admit, this costume cracks me up. If you like to take the humorous route when choosing a costume, this is a great option. Not only is it hilarious, but you can still rock some cute cat ears and a lovable tail. 

4. Minion But seriously—who isn’t still obsessed with minions? These might be the cutest movie characters ever, and you’ll get a ton of compliments.

3. A mouse..duh. There is never an occasion Mean Girls doesn’t relate to, especially Halloween. This costume is simple, cute, funny, and sure to get people talking. This could also easily be turned into the perfect costume for a group of girls! Everyone loves a good Mean Girls reference. 

2. Kate Middleton I can’t think of a woman who wouldn’t love to be Kate Middleton. Halloween is the perfect chance for every woman to be a real-life perfect princess. Spend your night looking beautiful and classy! And of course throw on a small tiara or fancy British hat for good measure.

1. Flapper After the excitement about the Great Gatsby earlier this year, this costume is a perfect reason to dress for a 20’s occasion. Not only are the clothes absolutely gorgeous, but it can easily be turned into a couples costume by bringing a Jay Gatsby with you! 

Although the decision is never easy, and never will be, at least there are always dozens of great options that you can’t go wrong with! Also, I know the Miley Cyrus costume is sure to be a big one this year, but I just cannot condone the heinous teddy bear leotard and buns on the top of your head; it should never be repeated.

Images courtesy of: www.izzys-party-shop.com; www… www.blogthestylist.blogspot.com; www.ebay.com; www.sheknows.com; www.dailyiso.com; www.stylebistro.com


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Katie Barlow

George Mason University

Katie is a senior at GMU majoring in Communication, with a focus in public relations. She currently interns at Northern Virginia Magazine and is hoping to one day work for big-name magazines. Being a writer for Her Campus has inspired Katie to pursue writing and helped her to realize how much she loves sharing interesting information with people. Katie is extremely excited to see where the future brings her. 
George Mason Contributor (GMU)

George Mason University '50

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