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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Geneseo chapter.

A few weeks ago I traveled to Europe. I spent a few days in Barcelona and a few in Paris, alongside a ten hour layover in London. I had never taken a trip out of the country before, so it was a learning experience on multiple levels. There were things that I expected to learn: history about the cities I visited, how traveling works, if I like flying and more about the places I was in general. Don’t worry, I am not going to sit here and tell you history facts that you probably don’t care about all that much, but I am going to share some tips for first time travelers. So this is Lauren’s guide to traveling out of the country for the first time (coming from somebody who has traveled out of the country one whole time). 

  1. People are lying when they say it is best to pack super light. 

Does your suitcase have to be under 50 pounds? Yes. Do you need to pack barely anything? No! I guess you could say I overpacked, especially when it came to clothes. That being said, I was super grateful that I gave myself options for each day. No, I did not wear all the clothes I packed, but I also decided I didn’t like certain outfits that I had planned on wearing. All things considered, I was so happy I had a few extra outfits with me. So keep your suitcase under 50 pounds, but give yourself plenty of options. 

  1. Remember to look at the small things. 

The bigger things that I saw on my trip were certainly memorable. The Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame Cathedral, La Sagrada Familia were all things I anticipated to be pretty memorable. What I didn’t expect was to learn about things that I likely would have walked by without a second thought if it wasn’t for our tour guide. One of these was the restaurant that Ratatouille was based on, another was the oldest tree in France. One of the first stories that I tell anyone who asks me about my time in France is how I saw this tree. It is located in a park, right across from Notre Dame, and it has been there for about 400 years. Did this tree make me tear up on the streets of Paris? A little. But that is one of the coolest things about traveling. You never know what you are going to see that might stick with you. Also, next time you find yourself in The Louvre, be sure to look at the painting on the wall behind the Mona Lisa, because that one is pretty cool too.

  1. Don’t leave your phone in your packet going through TSA.

That one is pretty self explanatory. 

  1. Take all the pictures. Of everything. 

Definitely live in the moment, and be sure to take everything in with your eyes as well, but take pictures of absolutely everything. Snacks you had, random buildings you think look nice, or even stores that you stop in. Take pictures of it all. When you travel to new places and see so many new things in such a short span of time, you might not clearly remember everything you did. Having pictures of so many things can certainly help jog your memory, and if you are anything like me you will spend the next few weeks after your return just scrolling through the pictures over and over again. 

  1. For real, DO NOT leave your phone in your packet going through TSA.

It is so embarrassing guys. 

Overall, just enjoy anywhere you are able to visit. Take in all the moments, try new things, talk to the locals if you can, and appreciate that you are able to travel. 

I know it comes from an extreme place of privilege to tell people that everyone should travel, but if you are able to, I completely recommend that you do. It truly does give you a whole new perspective that can never really be put into words.

Lauren Davies

Geneseo '24

Lauren is the social media director and event coordinater for HerCampus at Geneseo. She keeps all the HerCampus at Geneseo socials up to date, and plans fun events on the Geneseo campus! Outside of HerCampus, Lauren is an English Adolescent Education major at Geneseo! In Lauren's free time she loves to walk her dog, Stewart, podcasting, drinking coffee, and hanging out with her friends!