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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Geneseo chapter.

I have volunteered at a living history museum for years now. This past summer was my first time working there as an interpreter. As someone who has had a mix of good and bad memories, I have some things to say. 

Starting off, with everything I have done, I think everyone should visit a living history museum at least once in their lifetime. It teaches you in a way that is unlike most other things. You learn things that you also might not learn otherwise. No matter what age you are you would make so many great memories. 

As for the bad, it is just small things. Just small things visitors have done or said to me or someone else while we were working. I wont list all of them but I will summarize. Its a mix of sexualization, objectification, and just being made fun of. Again, this has not happened too often but it has happened enough times for it to be pointed out. I have had conversations with multiple people, and by what I have heard, because we are almost like characters, they somewhat disconnect us from being actual people. This is, to a certain extent, understandable but still not fully acceptable. Mostly due to the fact that it is more done to women of minority groups than to men. Again, I do not want to overestimate or pass any harmful information as this is just my overall observation. 

Overall, I am very, very thankful for all the opportunities I have had there and continue to have. But to summarize it all, in clearly multiple ways, it is interesting (to say the least) to compare things observed at living museums to things in modern life.

Born in 2005, Faith Manchester (She/they) has been a writer her whole life. Since the day she learned how to form a sentence they have always written. She writes many different types of pieces on many different topics. They still continue to change even now, as you will see. However, she usually writes here about society, and everyday life. She also writes about different things in pop culture from time to time. She became even more enthralled with writing in middle and high school. They was in multiple writing contests and has had her creative writing published a few other times. Faith is currently a Political Science major, with a minor in ethics and values in society. But writing is not the only thing they are interested in. In her free time they enjoy reading, art, archery and learning new hobbies. Faith also has enjoyed volunteering since she was 8 years old.